Gosh, great stories -- thanks Danon and all. Beautiful Advent calendar (please forward thanks to Ul) and an interesting look at the lives of millionaires.
--- Ellen DeGeneres, Danon? Cool! --- She's so funny!
Matrix -- You'd be surprised at how many of the names of little towns we know around here were originally Scots. Fife comes quickly to mind, but there are loads more. Auburn though... hmmm, a burn is a Scottish brook.
I have my own story of a very wealthy lady from out here, long-dead now. She was very down-to-earth and used to sell "raw" land which is very odd for a woman, especially in the 50's & 60's -- her heydays). She'd drive on the worst dirt roads imaginable in her rose-pink Cadillac -- this was when sales people always took the clients in their own car. It was said that she scared her clients into buying land with her driving,

but I think she just impressed them with her personality. Afterwards, she'd often enter a restaurant dressed for walking acreage... scuffed boots, wet jeans & a rough coat. She occasionally had trouble being seated, but most people knew her as she was a striking woman -- tall, slender & gray-haired. She had one of the coolest waterfront homes I've ever seen -- it had been a small ship -- and retained most of it's nautical feel including their dining table which had a cutout in it for the mast, little windows but lots of them, and decks all the way around the house. Their waterfront was zero-bank, so the ship had just been pulled up at a very high tide and then winched a few feet up above the high watermark. They never had a bulkhead (something I really admire) and had a year-round creek that sparkled down their hillside. Beautiful native landscaping, second-growth timber. I wonder who lives there now? Martha Kriegel was her name, the daughter of a baker for the main Frederick and Nelson department store in downtown Seattle... she'd make us wonderfully delicate cookies at Christmas. (Just a little paean to a lady I used to know.)