My gg-grandparents story was far back - when we experienced the maintenance 'outage'.....
But, here it is copied just for you=
------------------------------------------------------from earlier.
I have one that you would like - as soon as the system is fixed. It has a story behind it too - a good story. It's a photo of my g-g-grandparents.
He, young Billy Lee, at ten years old, was a newby in Dallas, Georgia. He was walking along the sidewalk where several girls about his age were playing house in one of their front yards. He stopped and after watching for a few minutes offered to build a house for them to play in. They very excitedly said yes - and he gathered some lumber and propped up a small enclosure that the girls all started raving about. One of the girls said something about the structure that didn't agree with young Billy Lee - so he tore the entire house down. All the girls started to scream and cry except for Francis Elizabeth - who kept quiet. The other girls all ran away and left Billy and Francis alone. Billy asked Francis why shy didn't cry and run away when he destroyed the 'house'. She said to him that she thought since he built the house he could tear it down. He looked at her and said - "You and I are going to be married some day."
The year after this happened, the Civil War started. Young Billy finally was accepted in the Confederate ranks the last year of the conflict when he turned fifteen. After the end of the Northern Aggression conflict - young Billy returned home and married Francis Elizabeth. They eventually moved to NE Texas.
----------------------------------------and a bit later...
I always thought that was a good story. My Mom - still living - heard it directly from Francis Elizabeth. So, it's second hand - but accurate. Another cousin told me that her great-aunt told her <how's this for a loose tale?> that after the Civil War was over my g-g-grampa remained with the group of Cavalry he had served with and supposedly got into some trouble with the law. That was supposed to be the reason he moved to Texas. I don't know about the last story, but it could have happened. There were many soldiers who resorted to unlawful activities after the war ended.
