Piffka, promise me you will never visit Graeagle again!!! Scary
Graeagle CA is at the 4000 foot level in Plumas Co. <population 831; Females - 395 Males - 436; Land area - 11.1 sq miles> National Holdiay - Sadie Hawkins Day. Median resident age - 56.9 yrs. <where the ".9" derives from anyones guess> My God - Circle the Wagons!
Graeagle is the "Red" portion of the "Blue" state of CA.
<my bad>
Danon, and you're still relatively sane. <grin> More stories!
Piffka, how wonderful you lived oceanside! East or West coast? The towel story hilarious! Parents are innovative without doubt
Tahoe's where my family skied during the winter months.
Not sure if you're familiar with Homewood <Hwy 89 Tahoe City> That's where the house located. We had some great times skiing, friends and family gatherings, and also spent Christmas in Tahoe. Northstar my favorite ski area <Kings Beach> Hubby would leave the house at 5:00 a.m. - buy the day's ski lift tickets <Northstar has a skier limit> then drive home, eat breakfast, and we'd head out for Northstar for the day.
The only accident I can recall was when my daughter and I - after aliting from the summit lift - collided with two other skiiers that had fallen half way down the path to the wider ski area. Daughter and I landed in a creek, and if that wearn't bad enough, our skis were tangled! After a few minutes of hilarious laughter and a bit of maneuvering, we managed freeing ourselves from the water - and freezing - skied the slope <moguls and all> in record time - finally finding warmth at the resort lodge. Donna broke her clavical on the last run of the day <poor girl was placed in a rescue sled> and my son was injured when we were shoveling the driveway, and Dan ran smack into a shovel when we were clearing snow. He required four stitches. Felt so bad for the kids that day - but with lots of smooches and TLC, <plus two sets of new skis> they recovered nicely <and thankfully skied for years unscathed>