Hi wayfarer,
Happy Sunday to you too..........
Anyone can click on the rainforest icon using that URL and it counts for the akteam!!
In fact, try it yourself - open the page using the URL - and just click on the rainforest icon without signing in or anything - - - See - it works great.
I do that with all my clicks. I open the page, click the rainforest icon, then - on the Thank You page - I click login and click under my first name in a row. Logout and do it all over again with the next name and etc. ((I've found that after the logout when clicking on a name - I bring up the page using the URL and then wait 60 secs before clicking it. Any sooner and it tells me half the time that I've already clicked.....This way I double my clicks daily while only spending a few seconds extra.))
And, if you want to click with the akteam after already signing up - you can do so easily by just signing up again using the akt URL and using a similar, but different, name. Oh, and the name must have an email address.
