What Makes People NOT believe In God? (Atheists Come!)

Reply Mon 31 Oct, 2011 04:17 am
The actions of priests and the thought of obligations has nothing to do with my stance on the question.
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Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2011 02:07 pm
First of all there is no need to be mean when stating your point, just simply state the facts of your life and that is enough. It is true that many persons who do not acknowledge the presence of God live a full life with nothing to hold them back. Usually believing that all they are is this physical being, mere flesh without soul or spirit and therefore this earth is where life ends. This leaves you free to explore the pleasures of the flesh, varied as they are. I believe in God I do not believe that God has decided everything for me. We have the gift of choice free to make whatever decisions we want, fully aware that with choice comes consequences.

I will not force my beliefs on anyone or call them an idiot for disagreeing, because there will come a time when all truth will be revealed; either we die and that's it or we die and in the end have to answer for how we lived our lives.

Either way, have a blessed day....
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Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2011 02:18 pm
How do you know unicorns never existed:)
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Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2011 02:35 pm
Is it that the respondent does not believe in God or is it that he does not believe in the God described in the bible (Old Testament)? Many persons seem to find not believing in God and homosexuality pretty progressive. Well man plus woman= pleasure and reproduction. Man +man= whatever pleasure is derived and the same for woman+woman. There is nothing progressive about that. I believe in the sanctity of life and so does God (read 10 commandments and New testament.) There are many stories in the bible that speak of how man-made laws or punishments are referred to as God's law and punishment. I too have sinned and will not cast the first stone. People are tempted everyday to kill, steal, etc. we don't all fall to the same temptation.

Have a blessed day....
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Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2011 02:38 pm
This is the reason why I refussed and refuse to read a Bible.

I found it both edgarblythe, funny and informative...

You know when you tell a story to someone, and they repeat it to someone else and then it's repeated to someone else and it comes back to you, in reverse of what you originally stated...

This is how I view the Bible. That man has changed it so many times throughout its journey, added, altered... I could not fathom any "God" saying half of those things although apparently it's there, in writing.

Having said that, some people associate "God" with the Universe, the Universe with spirituality such as seeing ghosts, auras, having esp, finishing someone's sentence, knowing the telephone is going to ring and who it is on the other end.

I'm as spiritual as they get, without doing riki, or reading books, meditating, or preaching ... I know that if I have faith and it is a word, in the dictionary, and I believe and I put it out there into the Universe, it will happen, it does happen, I not only suprise myself but others when it does...

So, for me, I do believe there is something which is warm, and there, I do believe in after life because to me I've seen enough to make me wonder, I do believe animals also have souls and I do believe in evil...

I do not believe in the Bible, so I won't read it... Nor going to Church, most are after money and gain.... I believe in giving, being me and using this heart for as much good as I can in this world...

So go shoot me now not you ed just saying....

Point being, we all believe in what ever we believe in.

Some people point everything to Science, some of experience of things that have happened because they have an open mind, some as they may be lost and use the word "Faith" as an escape and some because they truly do believe in God.

So what, we were born as ourselves once, so live it the way you want to and what you believe in, that's all that really matters.
Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2011 06:29 pm
If you are happy with yourself, it is sufficient. Believer, or non believer - both can find fulfilment in life. I applaud your effort to understand.
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Reply Tue 29 Nov, 2011 12:07 pm
Marx elegantly defined religion as an Opiate of The Masses: take as much as needed to ease your pain. Prescription unnecessary. Some can exist happily without it, tho.
Best administered by a professional.
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Reply Wed 30 Nov, 2011 12:33 pm
Well, luckily The Bible, which is a very true and informative book on how to live a life With God, explains that the truth for you is whatsoever you believe. I always believe (as a christian) that the most important thing in this life is Respecting other people, and Loving God. In most cases, God for all religions (or most) is a positive force in the universe. That is an important note I guess.
For those that don't believe in God, I guess you would be part of "the blind". In the Bible God talks about "the blind" being the people who don't really know one way or the other. For those who don't know, probably don't understand the language in the Bible or just refuse to read it because people tell them that the only way to be "good" is to believe what they do.
Reply Fri 2 Dec, 2011 02:31 pm
for you is whatsoever you believe

the blind" being the people who don't really know one way or the other

There are alot of Christians who preach. And, a lot of door knockers trying to do that, here in Australia in any event... Perhaps therefore, the notation of what a Christian is, is not how you are reflecting it. Having said that, I like the way you reflect it because I agree that it is for "you" what ever you believe...

The Blind .. Is confusion.

It's a bit like spirituality... If you have never seen something that you can not explain why would you believe ? ie) "ghosts"... There are millions of people that say they do not believe in ghosts, and they have never experienced seeing anything. There are also millions that have seen, what they class as ghosts, aura's, experienced esp etc...

I think it boils down to open minded or closed minded. In alot of instances.
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Reply Mon 18 Jun, 2012 01:22 am
(my opinion)

The rejection of the Notion...Of submission to a higher being...And pretty much doing, as you want, to do...And thinking, there is no repercussions, for these actions...And never will be...

And that "prove" God to me...Is a trap set up, that never works...As many atheists think of themselves, as superior thinkers...They know that the only way to find a God, is thru "Faith"....And there are no concrete facts to prove him/her/it/they....And most of them, would probably not accept a God, if he did in fact, prove himself...They would become very bitter, and angry...That is why, if the Bible is right, Jesus gives nothing but peace, right now...

So I think, is has to do with being stubborn...And little to do, with any kind of evidence...at all...

The Idea, of them "thinking" they are superior thinkers...And ask believers over and over to "prove God" mixed in with how most of their demeanor to believers are/apposed to how some believers, are to atheists...Just sums it all up....
Reply Mon 18 Jun, 2012 02:55 am
Nothing sinks in with you--you've got this two-dimensional, cardboard cut-out image of atheists which is convenient to your rant. You know nothing about atheists, least of all that they are individuals who are not characterized by a shared set of beliefs. They are only superfficially similar in not adhering to one particular belief. You've been told this time and again. But you don't learn, won't learn, can't learn because it would mean abandoning your cherished stereotype. That stereotype is based on your own poor self-image, your inferiority complex, so you lash out at a convenient target--"The Atheist," who doesn't actually exist outside your tortured imagination. This bĂȘte noire is just a focus for your pent-up rage.

You're one hateful son of a bitch.
Reply Mon 18 Jun, 2012 04:01 pm
mixed in with how most of their demeanor to believers are/apposed to how some believers, are to atheists...Just sums it all up....

Nothing sinks in with you--you've got this two-dimensional, cardboard cut-out image of atheists which is convenient to your rant. You know nothing about atheists, least of all that they are individuals who are not characterized by a shared set of beliefs. They are only superfficially similar in not adhering to one particular belief. You've been told this time and again. But you don't learn, won't learn, can't learn because it would mean abandoning your cherished stereotype. That stereotype is based on your own poor self-image, your inferiority complex, so you lash out at a convenient target--"The Atheist," who doesn't actually exist outside your tortured imagination. This bĂȘte noire is just a focus for your pent-up rage.

You're one hateful son of a bitch.

And what amazes me most, about it...As you can see from the above...Is, it is fine, for an atheist to have their opinions, and say what they want to say...

But as soon, as a theist flips the table around, and gives their opinions...They seem to not be able, to deal with it...

And think that lashing out, is acceptable...Although, he clearly pointed out, I was doing it...When I did not even make my post to ANY atheist, nor him...It was just my opinion...Just like his....And everyone else, in here...

So, Where do they get this "superior thinking" from?

So much for ignoring me, huh? Rolling Eyes

If my posts are so meaningless, why not just trying to not even listen to them?

I was not asking for your opinion, when I made mine...If I was, I would made my first post to you...

I was giving mine...

Like you said to me before, If you can't stand the heat, get out of the Kitchen...?? Rolling Eyes Idea
Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2012 10:30 am
Reasons i do/do not belive in god. (b/c of logic or opinion)

Do Not - The stories in the Bible are nothing more than that, stories. I once read an article that talked about how Jesus fought a dinosaur, but they took it out of the Bible because it did not fit.
Do- The universe is complicated, so it must have been created from a complicated like being.
Do Not- The universe had a lot more evidence to support the big bang theory. And many religions basicly ignore these (like the theory of gravity) which....unless i float away....seems legit to me.
Do- Id like to belive that i go somewhere nice when i die.
Do Not- I dont want to waste my life trying to please someone, out of fear, im not sure exists. I would rather go to hell for doing what i belive in, rather than go to heaven for being someone im not. (this was also something Ghandi belived in).
Do- I'd like to be rewarded for doing good things in my life.
Do Not- Why should he get to decide whats wrong and right? Some people could be mass murderers, but they belive they are doing the right thing b/c of ...brain malfuctions....something they went threw in thier lives. ect... I dont think there is such thing as wrong and right, b/c everyone has differnt opnions.
Do- It brings people together, and gives a reson for humanity.
Do Not- People should find thier own reason for being.
Do- It brings people together on holidays. Smile
Do Not- If god really has so much power, then why didnt he stop: The Holocaust, 9/11, Titanic, Nanking Massacre, Vietnam War, WW1, WW2, Russian Civil War, Ethiopian Civil War, Khmer Rouge Regime in Cambodia, The Crusades, Genocides in Darfur, Rwanda and Armenia, The Trail of Tears, Essential annihilation of the American Indians, Slavery--in America and across the world, Apartheid, Japanese-American internment camps, Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Massacre at Virginia Tech, Mai Lai Massacre, and many others that i can/cant name. If you ask me, God doesnt seem like the greatest guy.

In the end, i think that it doesnt really matter if you belive in god or not. You should just try to live your life the way YOU want to. Wether u want to live it the way god wants you to, or live it yourself.
Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2012 10:52 am
Well, you're a ******* idiot, as well as largely incoherent. But you didn't need to go to the trouble--we already knew that about you.
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Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2012 11:05 am
Once again, asshole, this "superior thinking" bullshit is not real, it is only a product of your tortured inferiority attitude. Of course, you'll trot this out again and again, because you don't listen, won't listen and therefore can't learn.
Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2012 12:03 pm
Freedom of thought.

I'll sum up God for you.
Some people believe in God, others don't. Say that If there was no God, and atheists proove it, some people will still insist on creating a God as a way to explain the unexplainable aspects of the universe, and some do it from some aspect of fear.
People are different, and that's what makes it interesting.

XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:
So, Where do they get this "superior thinking" from?

So much for ignoring me, huh?

You need to stop condescending atheists. It becomes impossible to have a civil debate when you act this way.
Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2012 03:50 pm
You need to stop condescending atheists. It becomes impossible to have a civil debate when you act this way.

But yet, you felt NO NEED, to say this to Setanta, right?


The reason I had said it...Was because, him, and I, have gone back and forth, and got very verbal, many times...At which case, he told me he was going to ignore me...Then he comes out, with a negative demeanor post...Like I said most atheists do...

That is why I asked him, why he was not ignoring me, like he said he would...

Had you asked me, rather than tell me, why I am being condescending...You would have understood this...

But now, you got it...
Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2012 04:22 pm
Do Not - The stories in the Bible are nothing more than that, stories. I once read an article that talked about how Jesus fought a dinosaur, but they took it out of the Bible because it did not fit.

They. Being men. Being Man Made ..... like a fairytale story.

Do Not- People should find thier own reason for being.

So, people find their own reason for being and go about being who they want to be, including brain disfunctions, they think there were correct in murdering as you state. So, if this is the case, then obviously all the things below can occur. And in that, comes your below quote................................again, Man. Negligence of man. Greed of man. Off course there is also Mother Nature and her distruction or is that God Wink

Do Not- If god really has so much power, then why didnt he stop: The Holocaust, 9/11, Titanic, Nanking Massacre, Vietnam War, WW1, WW2, Russian Civil War, Ethiopian Civil War, Khmer Rouge Regime in Cambodia, The Crusades, Genocides in Darfur, Rwanda and Armenia, The Trail of Tears, Essential annihilation of the American Indians, Slavery--in America and across the world, Apartheid, Japanese-American internment camps, Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Massacre at Virginia Tech, Mai Lai Massacre, and many others that i can/cant name.
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Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2012 04:35 pm
This sleeping dog laid for over six months before you dug it back up. What'd you expect to happen?
Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2012 04:47 pm
Not sure...I did not know this was an idle thread, for over 6 months...

I guess, the same thing, that happens in everyone of these kinds of threads...

It seems that threads, of this nature, seem to flourish, when a theist comes in, to debate with an atheist...

No one can help the fact, that this website, and other ones like it, probably do this...

Did you want this thread to remain idle?
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