Reasons i do/do not belive in god. (b/c of logic or opinion)
Do Not - The stories in the Bible are nothing more than that, stories. I once read an article that talked about how Jesus fought a dinosaur, but they took it out of the Bible because it did not fit.
Do- The universe is complicated, so it must have been created from a complicated like being.
Do Not- The universe had a lot more evidence to support the big bang theory. And many religions basicly ignore these (like the theory of gravity) which....unless i float away....seems legit to me.
Do- Id like to belive that i go somewhere nice when i die.
Do Not- I dont want to waste my life trying to please someone, out of fear, im not sure exists. I would rather go to hell for doing what i belive in, rather than go to heaven for being someone im not. (this was also something Ghandi belived in).
Do- I'd like to be rewarded for doing good things in my life.
Do Not- Why should he get to decide whats wrong and right? Some people could be mass murderers, but they belive they are doing the right thing b/c of ...brain malfuctions....something they went threw in thier lives. ect... I dont think there is such thing as wrong and right, b/c everyone has differnt opnions.
Do- It brings people together, and gives a reson for humanity.
Do Not- People should find thier own reason for being.
Do- It brings people together on holidays.

Do Not- If god really has so much power, then why didnt he stop: The Holocaust, 9/11, Titanic, Nanking Massacre, Vietnam War, WW1, WW2, Russian Civil War, Ethiopian Civil War, Khmer Rouge Regime in Cambodia, The Crusades, Genocides in Darfur, Rwanda and Armenia, The Trail of Tears, Essential annihilation of the American Indians, Slavery--in America and across the world, Apartheid, Japanese-American internment camps, Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Massacre at Virginia Tech, Mai Lai Massacre, and many others that i can/cant name. If you ask me, God doesnt seem like the greatest guy.
In the end, i think that it doesnt really matter if you belive in god or not. You should just try to live your life the way YOU want to. Wether u want to live it the way god wants you to, or live it yourself.