@Real Music,
Who likes punishments?
If they are not truly excessive, or worse, arbitrary they facilitate the growth of children into responsible adults.
Children don't naturally understand that there must be limitations on their behavior, and their not born with some sense of morality and propriety. They must be taught.
Obviously some people think the lesson can be entirely verbal and no sort of punishment is required, and maybe with some truly extraordinary parents it can be, but it's not my experience, and I very much doubt it is the experience of 99% of parents.
My oldest son was a handful. Telling him we were disappointed in him or explaining how anti-social actions were harmful to others and eventually would be harmful to him didn't mean a row of beans. Maybe we sounded like the teacher of the Charlie Brown cartoons but our
talks just didn't sink in. It was necessary to make him see that unacceptable behavior could have immediate negative consequences and so he ended up getting punished more than his younger sister and brother.
Once when all three of them has done something particularly bad, I marched them to my room and ordered them to lie on their stomachs on the bed. I then removed my belt and snapped it. My daughter and youngest son were reduced to fearful puddles. "No Dad! We're sorry Dad! We won't do it again!" I sent them from the room with a stern "You had better not!" and, in truth, they never did do it again.
That left my oldest son.
When I asked him "What about you?" he answered "You're not going to hit me."
Clearly the little bugger was calling what he thought was a bluff, so what was I to do? I don't regret that I gently lashed him on the bottom thinking that would prove I was serious. His response?
"That didn't hurt"
Some may argue otherwise, but I was convinced I had no choice. I had to continue with the punishment until it did hurt. Otherwise my credibility with him as a figure of authority would be shot.
The tough little nut took two more strikes before he relented.
Now lest do-gooders go all nuclear, none of the strikes were serious. He wasn't Superboy so if he could endure the first two, they clearly didn't hurt much. The third stung and that was that. He didn't have a welt that remained for hours, let alone a wound that lasted for days.
What he learned only he can tell you, but he never committed the specific transgression again. What I learned was not to put myself in another position where I had no choice but to do something I really didn't want to, and so punishments were thereafter all about deprivation of things the kids enjoyed, with no shortage of Vulcan Death grips or head cuffs when the boys acted up in public. (I freely admit to viewing my daughter differently but, early on, she wasn't the challenge the boys were)
Having said this our youngest son incurred the wrath of his mother at his sister's school play. With each transgression he was told he would lose a day of Nintendo privileges. They left the school that night with my son being banned from video games for three weeks! If she had told him that his punishment would be a meeting with Dad and his belt, it might have been different.
I hit my daughter only once in her whole life. She was 15 and giving us absolute fits the way teenagers can and was constantly fighting with her mother. One night we were standing in the foyer of our home and my wife was telling my daughter she couldn't go out that night and my daughter screamed "**** this family!" Without any thought whatsoever I slapped her across the face. I don't regret it in the least. Being an overly dramatic teen she told all her friends in school that her Dad beat her and we were actually visited by a 16 year old little **** who threatened me. He was lucky he left in one piece, but that's what happens with kids.
If anyone tries to tell anyone that they have the perfect way of raising kids that works all of the time they are so full of **** it's coming out of their ears.