In short: McGentrix is considerably more right than BBB was. If with the "religious right" we mean those who attend religious service at least once a week and vote for Bush then McG is right: their numbers remained pretty much the same in 2000 and in 2004. In 2000, they made up 25% of all voters; in 2004, 26%. Same goes for the smaller group of those who attend religious service more often still and vote Republican, as we have seen: their share also grew by just one percent, from 9% to 10% of all voters. In absolutes, their numbers will have increased - but by hardly any more than the number of other (less religious) voters did. Turnout increased among both groups in similar fashion.
Does that mean the "religious right" didn't yield Bush the elections? Well, since Bush won by just a 3% margin, any group of over 3% of the electorate can of course be said to have yielded Bush the elections. But whatever role the religious right played in terms of numbers in 2004, it was no different, and no larger a role than it was in 2000.
One could question, and I do, whether the measure of those who attend church once a week is a good enough measure of "devout." However that's not as important as the number of those who were convinced by the organizers from the FAR. Obviously they're not winning elections by their numbers alone. They have organized in such a way to mobilize non FAR voters. That's my point, after all. [..]
I don't think it's a simple matter of numbers. It has to do with organized methods of influence. Who is paying the bill for such organizers and who is putting in all the hard work. Your emphasis on who is "right" and who is "wrong" is, I think, premature. Let's look at all the data and then make up our minds.
McGentrix wrote:If I recall, the numbers of the "religious right" that voted in 2000 and in 2004 remained pretty much the same. I wonder where this sudden idea that they would "reward him with their votes in record numbers." comes from.
Your claim contradicts the number BBB has posted (thanks BBB, excellent posts). Don't recall, show us where we can read these stats for ourselves.
BBB posted this article, I'm repeating the next to the last paragraph. Show us, McG, don't just tell.
Quote:While election-day exit polling relied on vague terms like "moral values" to produce inconclusive evidence about conservative Christian voters (do only fundamentalists have moral values?), they did reveal that the rate of voters who attended church once a week leapt by 2 points from 2000 and that 64 percent of them voted for Bush. [..]
No, my emphasis on who was "right" and who was "wrong" here wasn't premature, since it referred to a very specific question - not the broader argument you bring up here.
The subject of this thread is the effect of the FAR on American politics.
The Triumphs of the New Right
By Frances FitzGerald
Richard Viguerie
(click for larger image)
The New Right: We're Ready to Lead
by Richard A. Viguerie, introduction by Jerry Falwell
The Sweetheart of the Silent Majority: The Biography of Phyllis Schlafly
by Carol Felsenthal
Just after the 1980 election the ABC show called "Nightline" put the satellite technology of television to work to create an extraordinary electronic encounter between Senator George McGovern, Senator Frank Church, Senator Birch Bayh, Jerry Falwell, and Paul Weyrich. The three just-defeated senators had never met their opponents before, and the two sides knew so little about each other that both were disarmed. Instead of the usual political fencing match the debate was a raw, emotional confrontation.
One of the strange things about the debate was the apparent imbalance of the two sides. Three leaders of the Democratic party with long careers in public office were pitted against a fundamentalist minister and an almost unknown political organizer. Yet as organizers for the New Right, Weyrich and Falwell represented a coalition that had raised more money for the 1980 election than the entire Democratic party nationally.
After that election, the New Right organizers could claim that they had helped to elect over two dozen senators and a great many more congressmen, who generally could be counted on to oppose the Supreme Court decisions on busing, school prayer, and abortion, as well as to support Reagan's economic and defense policies. "Nightline" did not invite any of the new senators to meet McGovern, Church, and Bayh, for good reason: the New Right was not created by politicians but by organizers.
2000 Texas GOP Platform:
The Party calls for the United States monetary system to be returned to the gold standard. Since the Federal Reserve System is a private corporation, has no reserves, and is not subject to taxation or audit, we call on Congress to abolish this institution and reassume its authority, enumerated by Article I, Section 8 of the United States Constitution, for the coinage of money.
Short Translation:
The United States should return to the gold standard and abolish the Federal Reserve.
2000 Texas GOP Platform:
Congress should be urged to exercise its authority under Article III, Sections 1 and 2 of the United States Constitution, and should withhold appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court in such cases involving abortion, religious freedom, and all rights guaranteed under the Bill of Rights.
Short translation:
The Supreme Court should not be allowed to decide the constitutionality of laws regarding abortion, religion, or anything else related to the Bill of Rights. In these areas, Congress should be allowed to pass any laws it wishes.
2000 Texas GOP Platform:
Our Party pledges to do everything within its power to restore the original intent of the First Amendment of the United States and the concept of the separation of Church and State and dispel the myth of the separation of Church and State.
Short translation:
We should completely do away with separation of church and state.
2000 Texas GOP Platform:
The party opposes the decriminalization of sodomy....We publicly rebuke judges Chief Justice Murphy and John Anderson, who ruled that the 100 year-old Texas sodomy law is unconstitutional, and ask that all members of the Republican Party of Texas oppose their re-election.
Gay sex should be a criminal offense.
2000 GOP Platform:
The Party affirms its support for a human life amendment to the Constitution and we endorse making clear that the Fourteenth Amendment's protection applies to unborn children.
All abortion of all kinds should be permanently outlawed by constitutional amendment.
No homosexual or any individual convicted of child abuse or molestation should have the right to custody or adoption of a minor child, and that visitation with minor children by such persons should be limited to supervised periods.
Gays should be treated like child molesters and should not be allowed to visit children unsupervised.
The Party believes that scientific topics, such as the question of universe and life origins and environmental theories, should not be constrained to one opinion or viewpoint. We support the teaching equally of scientific strengths and weaknesses of all scientific theories--as Texas now requires (but has yet to enforce) in public school science course standards. We urge revising all environmental education standards to require this also. We support individual teachers' right to teach creation science in Texas public schools.
The Biblical story of creation should be taught in science classes.
The Party supports an orderly transition to a system of private pensions based on the concept of individual retirement accounts, and gradually phasing out the Social Security tax.
Social Security should be abolished.
We urge that the IRS be abolished and the Sixteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution be repealed. A constitutional tax, collected and controlled by the States, must generate sufficient revenue for the legitimate tasks of the national government.
The federal income tax should be abolished.
The Party believes the minimum wage law should be repealed.
The federal minimum wage should be abolished.
We further support the abolition of federal agencies involved in activities not delegated to the federal government under the original intent of the Constitution including, but not limited to, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, the position of Surgeon General, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Departments of Energy, Housing and Urban Development, Health and Human Services, Education, Commerce and Labor.
The EPA, HUD, HHS, the Department of Education, and several other federal agencies should be eliminated. Since these departments supervise all federal welfare programs for the poor and sick, they are presumably advocating the complete abolishment of the federal welfare state.
The Party believes it is in the best interest of the citizens of the United States that we immediately rescind our membership in, as well as all financial and military contributions to, the United Nations.
Get the United States out of the UN.
The Party urges Congress to support HJR 77, the Panama and America Security Act, which declare the Carter-Torrijos Treaty null and void. We support re-establishing United States control over the Canal in order to retain our military bases in Panama, to preserve our right to transit through the Canal, and to prevent the establishment of Chinese missile bases in Panama.
Take back the Panama Canal.
(This plank remains in the 2002 platform. Since Panama presumably would object to this, they appear to be endorsing military action to retake the canal zone.)
Any person filing as a Republican candidate for a public or Party office shall be provided a current copy of the Party platform at the time of filing. The candidate shall be asked to read and initial each page of the platform and sign a statement affirming he/she has read the entire platform.
We are dead serious about this.
Among the more than 300 people who attended all or part of the March ceremony was Sen. Mark Dayton (D-Minn.), who now says he simply was honoring a constituent receiving a peace award and did not know Moon would be there. "We fell victim to it; we were duped," Dayton spokeswoman Chris Lisi said yesterday.
Other lawmakers who attended or were listed as hosts felt the same, she said. "Everyone I talked to was furious," she said. With Minnesotans demanding to know whether Dayton is a follower of Moon, Lisi said, the senator persuaded the St. Paul Pioneer Press to write an article allowing him to reply.
The event's organizers flew in nearly 100 honorees from all 50 states to receive state and national peace awards. The only "international crown of peace awards" went to Moon and his wife.
Some Republicans who attended the event, including Rep. Roscoe G. Bartlett (Md.), said they did so mainly to salute the Washington Times, a conservative-leaning newspaper owned by Moon's organization. "I had no idea what would happen" regarding Moon's coronation and speech, Bartlett said yesterday.
Use of the Dirksen building requires a senator's approval. Dayton said he gave no such permission, and Stallings said the question of who did so is "shrouded in mystery."
Aside from the obligatory nods to states rights, opposition to the surrender of US troop sovereignty under UN or NATO, elimination of the ATF, a reference to the ERA amendment, voter registration restrictions, English-only legislation, and an exhortation of "LET'S ROLL!" in the WoT.
"The Party opposes any foreign military base on American soil. We urge Congress to prohibit all foreign military bases from the United States"(!?)
"students should be led in the Pledge of Allegiance, the Texas pledge, the national anthem and patriotic songs on a daily basis"...
"We support a [education] program based upon biblical principles upon which our nation and state law system were founded."
"The Republican Party of Texas reaffirms the United States of America is a Christian nation, which was founded on fundamental Judeo-Christian principles based on the Holy Bible"...
OK, one more sidenote still, re: Blatham - the National Socialists unfortunately constituted a bit more than "a very small numerical proportion of the population" ... In the elections before the last free ones, they received some 42% of the vote, I believe (and they lost only a bit of that again in the very last ones).
$4.3 million to the Institute on Religion and Democracy
$7.8 million to the Institute on Religion and Public Life
$1.8 million to the National Taxpayers Union Foundation
$10.6 million to the Ethics and Public Policy Center
$32 million to the American Enterprise Institute
Church & Scaife
Secular Conservative Philanthropies waging unethical campaign to take over United Methodist Church
by Andrew J. Weaver and Nicole Seibert
POSTED AUGUST 2, 2004 --
The United Methodist and other mainline Protestant churches are the targets of a continuing, orchestrated attack by determined right-wing ideologues who use CIA-style propaganda methods to sow dissention and distrust, all in pursuit of a radical political agenda.
The leader of this attack is an organization called the Institute on Religion and Democracy (IRD), a pseudo-religious think-tank that carries out the goals of its secular funders that are opposed to the churches' historic social witness.
The IRD works in concert with other self-styled "renewal" groups like Good News and the Confessing Movement. IRD answers only to its own self-perpetuating board of directors, most of whom are embedded in the secular political right (Howell, 1995).
In the January/February 2004 issue of Zion's Herald, we published a special report on the activities of the IRD. We documented how it is primarily funded by right-wing secular foundations.
You've missed the entire point of my post. Likely my fault. I wasn't defining 'national socialists' as those who voted for them, but rather as the individuals who constituted the well-oiled organizational machine, the brown-shirt and SS militias, and the central coterie of leaders under Hitler.
These people constituted a very small segment of the population, but exerted an influence on the direction of German politics that we're all aware of.
Negotiators Add Abortion Clause to Spending Bill
Published: November 20, 2004
ASHINGTON, Saturday, Nov. 20 - House and Senate negotiators have tucked a potentially far-reaching anti-abortion provision into a $388 billion must-pass spending bill, complicating plans for Congress to wrap up its business and adjourn for the year.
The provision may be an early indication of the growing political muscle of social conservatives who provided crucial support for Republican candidates, including President Bush, in the election.
House officials said Saturday morning that the final details of the spending measure were worked out before midnight and that the bill was filed for the House vote on Saturday.
The abortion language would bar federal, state and local agencies from withholding taxpayer money from health care providers that refuse to provide or pay for abortions or refuse to offer abortion counseling or referrals. Current federal law, aimed at protecting Roman Catholic doctors, provides such "conscience protection'' to doctors who do not want to undergo abortion training. The new language would expand that protection to all health care providers, including hospitals, doctors, clinics and insurers.
1. During the eighties, leaders of the FAR (Ralph Reed, Weyrich, Rove, Falwell, Robertson, LeHaye, Dobson and others) developed a plan to take control of the Republican Party for the purpose of establishing a theocratic government in the U.S.
A. To put up candidates who ran without declaring their true intentions. They started on a local level with local school boards.
C. The FAR has raised huge amounts of money, using their churches as fund raising arms.
D. The New Right has spawned innumerable political action organizations for the purpose of making it easy for their readership to contact their lawmakers about objections to legislation opposed to the FAR political agenda.
2. Through grass roots organizing, the FAR or the New Right eventually took over the Texas Republican party a decade ago and elected George Bush governor. They have since taken over the entire state and propelled Bush (one of their own) to the presidency and another to leadership of the House of Representatives (Tom DeLay).
For an example of the extremism involved, here's a sample from the Texas Republican Platform of 2000.
(Later platforms were refined and their naked intentions were better disguised.)
Does this sound like a small victory to you? Not to me. Nor does it sound like "the effect of right-wing zealots is probably overstated by their opponents."
P.S. Your favorite example is no example at all of the New Right. Rev. Moon is considered by the FAR to be a cult leader, a heretic and an embarrassment.
I can see how hiding one's true intentions can work for one term of office. After all, "It is true that you may fool all the people some of the time." But in the long run, this strikes me as an ineffective strategy, for candidates will become office-holders and office holders will be judged by their record. "You may even fool some of the people all of the time. But you can't fool all of the people all of the time." Not sure which Democrat said this quote. The same phenomenon puts a limit to the mileage you can get out of point B.
Quote:Lola wrote:
C. The FAR has raised huge amounts of money, using their churches as fund raising arms.
Fair point, but I'm not sure just what you mean by "using" here. Given the grass roots nature of these churches, I don't see how they might be "used" by someone without their consent.
Lola wrote:
Quote:D. The New Right has spawned innumerable political action organizations for the purpose of making it easy for their readership to contact their lawmakers about objections to legislation opposed to the FAR political agenda.
Another fair point, though nothing about this tactic is peculiar to the New Right. As a member of Amnesty International, I get quite frequent calls to writing to ambassadors, lawmakers, etc., and I see it as a legitimate tactic of any social movement.
Lola wrote:
Quote:.2. Through grass roots organizing, the FAR or the New Right eventually took over the Texas Republican party a decade ago and elected George Bush governor. They have since taken over the entire state and propelled Bush (one of their own) to the presidency and another to leadership of the House of Representatives (Tom DeLay)
I kind of agree. But while I would group Tom DeLay among the Jerry Falwell-type "new right", I don't think George Bush belongs in this category. Not that I defend George Bush in general -- I think he is a really bad president -- but to include him, you need to broaden your definition to a scope where it becomes useless.
Lola wrote:
Quote:(Later platforms were refined and their naked intentions were better disguised.)
Unlike you, I am trying not to assume that document versions which fit my preconceptions are authentic and versions that don't, "disguise their naked intentions". This narrows the extent of their victory in my perception.
Lola wrote:
Quote:Does this sound like a small victory to you? Not to me. Nor does it sound like "the effect of right-wing zealots is probably overstated by their opponents."
It's just one state and just two years, and most of the radicalism is in a part of the platform that doesn't bind the people implementing them. (Republicans in the Federal government are bound by the national GOP platform.) All that said, it's a larger victory than I expected they could land.
So then, Thomas, you're saying, given that these very militant fanatics have taken over the Texas Republican party and have written a platform advocating these extreme positions. And Tom DeLay has enough support in the party to become House majority leader, and as the fanatical influence spreads throughout the West and South and beyond, as the Congress is filled with more and more candidates who owe their political career to the FAR, you're still holding out that "nothing is amiss?"
A few fascist fanatics here and there are harmless.