I'm well, Bern. I dropped by to post a remembrance of timberlandko and am hanging out for a few minutes before I go.
I had 867,710 new posts since my last visit, and since the pages here still load as if I'm on a dialup connection, I don't think I'll be seeing what everyone has been up to. A quick update from here:
Sue's father passed away one week ago today (not unexpected; he'd been suffering from bladder cancer for seven years). She's holding up as well as can be expected. Her mother went to the hospital the very next day -- as Sue was preparing to leave for Miami and her father's funeral -- with congestive heart failure and pneumonia and remains there. Her dementia is end-stage, so her passing wouldn't be a terrible shock, either. Sue's sister, undergoing her own chemotherapy for lymphoma (in remission, just a booster) collapsed in the ICU, was transported a few steps over to ER and diagnosed with dehydration and a fever. She went home the same day.
Been kind of a rough week, and it looks like it's improving already, thank the
Flying Spaghetti Monster.
How's your health these days?
(Sorry for hijacking the thread. Reply in PM if you prefer.)