I know you've probably seen this, but just for the record of this thread:
Program for
Confronting the Judicial War on Faith conference sponsored by the Judeo-Christian Council for Constitutional Reformation.
April 7th -- Day 1
1:00pm -- Conference Opens - Introductory remarks Dr. Rick Scarborough (Vision America),Invocation by Rabbi Yehuda Levin (Jews for Morality), Pledge of Allegiance led by Dr. Sam Jihani
1:15pm - Congressman Lamar Smith will speak in place of Tom DeLay, who was called to Rome as part of the US delegation attending the Pope's funeral. Rep. DeLay expressed his "heartfelt regret at not being with the Judeo-Christian Council for Constitutional Restoration for this historic conference," and pledged to work with the Council to restore One Nation Under God.
2:00 - The Judicial Assault On Our Judeo-Christian Heritage (marriage, gay rights, The Ten Commandments, pornography, etc) - Mike Farris (Home School Legal Defense Assn.) , Bill Federer (AmeriSearch, Inc.), Don Feder (Vision America), Mark Sutherland (Joyce Meyer Ministries) -moderator.
3:00 - Abortion And Other Life Issues - Allan Parker (Texas Justice Foundation), Judge Darrell White (Retired Judges of America), Cathy Cleaver Ruse (Pro-Life Secretariat, US Catholic Bishops Conference), Michael Schwartz, Chief of Staff to Senator Tom Coburn, Austin Ruse (Culture of Life Foundation) -- moderator
4:15- Judicial Nominations - Tom Jipping (Office of Sen. Hatch), Gary Marx (Judicial Confirmation Network), Kay Daly (Coalition for a Fair Judiciary), Sam Casey (Christian Legal Society), Tom Smith (moderator)
5:15 - The Real Constitution - Rep. Todd Akin (author of The Pledge Protection Act), Herb Titus (former dean, Regent University Law School), Howard Phillips (Conservative Caucus), Jan LaRue (Concerned Women for America, Nate Kellum (Alliance Defense Fund) - moderator.
6:15 - Conference Recesses, Benediction by Rev. Earl Jackson
7:00 -- Banquet
Grace - Father Edward Hathaway, Keynote - David C. Gibbs, Esq. (Christian Law Association), attorney for Terri Schiavo's parents, introduced by Michael Peroutka (Institute on the Constitution), Brief remarks by Janet Folger.
April 8
8:30 am - Conference Resumes- An explanation of the day's program by Pastor Scarborough, Invocation by Alveda King, Pledge of Allegiance led by Judge Darrell White.
8:45 am - Evangelist Tim Lee (decorated Viet Nam combat veteran)
9:15 - Decline of Faith and What to do about it - Rev Earl Jackson, Patrick Reilly, (Cardinal Newman Society,) Rabbi Aryeh Spero (Caucus for America), Alveda King (King for America)moderator.
10:15 - Break
10:30 - Remedies to Judicial Tyranny -Phyllis Schlafly (Eagle Forum), former Congressman Bill Dannemeyer, Dr. Edwin Vieira (author, "How To De-throne The Imperial Judiciary"), Mike Farris, Richard Lessner (American Conservative Union) -- moderator.
11:30 - Break
11:45 - Lunch and speaker - Grace -- Christine Jihani, Former Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore, Introduced by Alabama Supreme Court Justice Tom Parker.
1:45 -- Mobilizing The Grass-Roots - Morton Blackwell (The Leadership Institute), Kay Daly, Manny Miranda (Heritage Foundation), Tony Perkins (Family Research Council), William Greene (RightMarch.com)
2:45 - Break
3:00 - General Discussion of the Declaration of the Judeo-Christian Council for Constitutional Restoration (JCCCR)
4:45 pm Alan Keyes (Declaration Foundation), Introduced by Larry Cirignano (CatholicVote.org)
5:30 - Closing remarks and Benediction, Rev. Peter Marshall (Peter Marshall Ministries)
6:00 - Conference Adjourns
For More Information, Contact: Judeo-Christian Council for Constitutional Restoration at 866-522-5582.
click name for bio)
Executive Committee:
Rev. Jerry Falwell
Michael Farris (Home School Legal Defense Association)
former Vatican Ambassador Ray Flynn
Alveda King (King for America)
Rabbi Daniel Lapin (Toward Tradition)
Ron Luce (Teen Mania)
Dave Meyer (Joyce Meyer Ministries)
Fr. Frank Pavone (Priests for Life)
Dr. Rick Scarborough (Vision America - Interim Chairman, Judeo-Christian Council for Constitutional Restoration)
Phyllis Schlafly (Eagle Forum)
Thomas Smith (America 21)
Mike Valerio