Glad to hear you're getting better! Having a good healthy attitude is excellent medicine to help fight off that nasty infection.
colorbook wrote:Glad to hear you're getting better! Having a good healthy attitude is excellent medicine to help fight off that nasty infection.
attitude is excellent = husker
So glad to see you back typing to us..
<smiles> Glad to hear that Husker
Hey Husker.
So glad to hear from you. Kick this bug hard, okay. I'm sending you good wishes from up north, we're fighters up here too.
Hi Husker! Thanks for the update. Get all better!
Yikes - lastt time I looked it was pneumonia!
So - the damn thing IS golden staph?????
welcome back, husker! speedy recovery. that whole thing sounds too scary, don't you ever do it again!
Husker! It's so good to see you back here! Sounds like you're going through quite an ordeal. Hang in there, my friend. We're all pulling for you.
Welcome back Husker - we are all hoping and praying for a speedy recovery !!
Hey, husker! Things are looking UP!
ok - got the trusty IV hooked in right now and it's pumpiing away - made a small mess this morming - first time I had to prime the entire tube with meds to get all the air bubbles out, shot a little extra med in the air.
my sincerest thanks for all your thoughts and wishes -
we may however still see some frustrations as I spend about 10 hours of the day on the IV or in process of hooking or unhooking - i might get better at this as time goes on but ahh still the waiting time.
I don't even want to say that I hope you'll get better because I know you will
Hugs and props to you and the whole husker family. :-D
Still lighting the husker candles.
Since husker's big, it's gotta be more than one candle :wink:
Thanksgiving is the proper time to give thanks for your steady recovery.
yer right - trying to plan my IV's around getting a great meal via some friends. been trememdeously stressful on the family so they are happy to visit someone for a nice dinner.