Well Walter, I assume you do know what candida is but I will explain it as I understand it.
Think of your gut (intestines) as a garden that grows good bacteria that produces nutrients and feeds all of your major organs of your body including your brain. This in turn sets your metabolism to be healthy.
Candida is a fungal (not bacterial) "weed" in this garden that takes hold due to really poor diet or the use of antibiotics. This weed grows faster than good bacteria into a rats nest that then takes over the garden and will not allow the good digestive bacteria to take hold and process good nutrients. With no good nutrients reaching the cells, the cells are fed the wrong stuff and they become prone to nearly all diseases known to the human body.
A candida cleansing diet differentiates between food sources and only feeds the gut what good bacteria likes, while these thing happen to also gradually lessen the candida overgrowth.
Once the candida overgrowth is radically lowered with foods that it cannot feed on then the garden (gut) is ready to plant the good bacteria.
Although experts slightly agree and disagree on what exactly kills candida the best and each person's body is different, they do agree on many things.
Cleansing the body of candida is not a really bad or hard diet. The dos and don'ts, to me, are not that hard to accomplish considering I always cook my own food from scratch anyway and rarely ever eat out.
There are two major steps to this process. One is weeding the garden (cleansing) and lowering the amount of candida (weeds) and the other is replanting the garden with good probiotic bacteria that will properly process your foods.
So the cleansing (weeding) process is much more strict and limits a lot of foods while the planting stage is more relaxed till your diet then normalizes again. This is because good bacteria and the candida have similar things they thrive on and dissimilar things they dislike. So the cleansing process focuses on the dissimilar things yet which are still very nutritious to the body. For instance broccoli kills candida but bacteria love it while both candida and the good bacteria love fermented things. Most all spices kill candida off while good bacteria thrives on them.
The don't are easier to list than the do's
that lasts from several weeks to a month
No sugar at all
No beer (because of live yeast)
No chemicals or caffeine (coffee)
No grains at all (while cleansing)
No fermented fruits and veggies or sauces
No dairy (though, some say a little is okay, why risk it)
the things you can eat are much more numerous to list and Google is a good source for them.
Note, the diet shifts and the things you can eat change and become more numerous after the cleansing process but it is still restricted while the garden repopulates, some weeding is still necessary.
I will provide a list of the good things to eat during the cleansing month if there is more interest shown in this topic.