How do I stir up the Cambridge Philosophy budget scoffers?

Reply Tue 19 Apr, 2005 07:57 am
do you?
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Reply Tue 19 Apr, 2005 08:00 am

Good.I'm relieved.

But I have to go.Mammon calls.I will return.
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Reply Tue 19 Apr, 2005 08:01 am
see ya later.
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Reply Tue 19 Apr, 2005 08:03 am
Could be Nietzsche but I don't know it.It is a bit naive.

Eat,drink and be merry
For tomorrow we die.

Bit more efficient that.

Be about an hour.
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Reply Tue 19 Apr, 2005 08:54 am
Mammon doesn't call, he screams.
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Reply Tue 19 Apr, 2005 09:31 am
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Reply Tue 19 Apr, 2005 11:33 am
But I go joyfully, listening to only what pleases me.

I'm as toilerant of mammon as i am of Blatham.
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Reply Tue 19 Apr, 2005 03:04 pm
I rather thought Lola was inferring both she and Spendius wore dentures!

'All the lousy little poets coming round
Trying to sound
Like Charlie Manson,
And I can see a white man dancin'.

Middle-Class American's have a tendency to pay upwards of $250 an hour to lie on a couch and be told they wanted to have sex with their parents, even though it is untrue.

Again, during my absence the debate turns to hypothetical lunacy, 'Red Alert'

The overpaid, self opinionated psychologists and philosophers work together, Rover has just gone down the plug hole! They should have prevented this! Their counterparts attempted to bamboozle the Chinese! Excusee meee they replied.. The business is totally 'egg flied lice' 'We no want'

Get them back on the opium and try again said the Don's !

Spendius would have been as much use with his Freudian escapades. Rather akin to' John Bull' it doesn't work anymore.

Five thousand people were put on the sick list last year, some of them died, Why? They went to hospital!

What are we paying 'The Don's for?'

A minimum five thousand heavily mortgaged souls have just been made redundant. The Don's are 'swigging matured Port and eating Brie on crackers, along with the grouse!'

That is the true meaning of obscene Yorkie!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 19 Apr, 2005 09:28 pm
So come, my friends, be not afraid.
We are so lightly here.
It is in love that we are made;
In love we disappear.
Tho' all the maps of blood and flesh
Are posted on the door,
There's no one who has told us yet
What boogie street is for.
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Reply Tue 19 Apr, 2005 09:29 pm
spendius wrote:
Could be Nietzsche but I don't know it.It is a bit naive.

Eat,drink and be merry
For tomorrow we die.

Bit more efficient that.

Be about an hour.

Nietzche it is.
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Reply Wed 20 Apr, 2005 07:11 am

On the commodius vicus of recirculation to FW I thought it might help to start somewhere.
Take a three or four line sentence,learn it off and recite it in Irish accent with gestures to match.Practice that for a bit and get a feel for Joyce's opinion of his compatriots.
I found an essay by Barbara Hardy entitled The Lyricism of Emily Bronte.In it is this-
"When James Joyce reproduces the act of making a poem in APotAas a YM,he shows how event decomposes into feeling,how action reduces to image,how narratives of laborious memory are compressed under stress of sensation and feeling.
What Joyce illustrates is the transformation of history into lyric by that process of elimination which reshapes and telescopes event,bringing out new implications by removing context,exposing suggestion,developing nuance and turning actuality into metaphor,sequence into image."

I have read something similar to that in an interview Dylan once gave.I think it concerned Watchtower.
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Reply Wed 20 Apr, 2005 09:36 am
georgeob1 wrote:
But I go joyfully, listening to only what pleases me.

I'm as toilerant of mammon as i am of Blatham.

Which isn't much, georgie boy.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 20 Apr, 2005 06:47 pm

That's not true at all. Blatham and I think very differently about many of the prominent topics on these threads. In our disagreements neither of us pulls any punches. Despite this I truly like him and unfailingly distinguish between disagreement and hostility. I'll confess that in the heat of dispute I can become ... emphatic, but that has never prompted me to criticize that very likeable and articulate man - only his ridiculous political ideas.

Spendius --

Interesting approach to the mysteries of FW. Evidently one must take the same approach to the Joycean prose that he takes to the events he decomposes. I don't think he was very fond of his native land or, for that matter, its people. I'll confess to a taste for the lyric and even the sentimental in literature. Oddly I did very much enjoy Ulysses, perhaps because of Bloom's detachment from the madness that surrounded him - somethng to which I could relate when I read it (a long time ago).
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Reply Thu 21 Apr, 2005 08:19 am
georgeob1 wrote:

That's not true at all. Blatham and I think very differently about many of the prominent topics on these threads. In our disagreements neither of us pulls any punches. Despite this I truly like him and unfailingly distinguish between disagreement and hostility. I'll confess that in the heat of dispute I can become ... emphatic, but that has never prompted me to criticize that very likeable and articulate man - only his ridiculous political ideas.

Sorry if I misrepresented you. You're a nice, loyal fellow, it's true.
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Reply Thu 21 Apr, 2005 08:57 am

You must have missed the understated nastiness in George's lovely sentence.That was no apology.We all took your advice on apologising.

My,my-standards have improved.
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Reply Thu 21 Apr, 2005 02:22 pm
I think it was sporty, not nasty. I do like Blatham -- I just disagree with him - a lot.
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Reply Thu 21 Apr, 2005 02:44 pm
Wonderful evening last night, football on the cinema screen, snooker with Matthews, and all winnings duly collected. How nice. Now Spendius 'Old Boy' you may well have captivated your own bizarre, unconventional chronic drunkard society of mis-fits but it's all down to your childhood. One would probably be very close to the crux of the matter in appreciating that you were very feminine looking in your early years! Relation's have this irritating habit of saying obnoxious things about children, (not realising they understand every word) "Oh isn't he pretty, he should have been a little girl?" Mother may not have helped either, curling the hair, keeping you in effeminate attire! ; Oh dear me! The end result is an uncultivated oick attempting to express his manhood, which doesn't really exist in any shape or form. We can accept the psychopathetic self opinionated celibate, actually you put me in mind of Rasputin! One would wager the odd ten bob that you have spent the last week or so considering yourself a suitable candidate for the 'Papacy!' Hard luck Old Chap, the position has been taken. Plus you don't relish flying you mentioned to Luscious Lips Lette some day's ago, would you have sat in The Vatican Library, admiring the knowledge you could only read about? You show remarkable similarities to a homing pigeon Spendius. I take it you have a fancy handshake for members of the clique, as to winking with the correct eye, well you could introduce any number of formalities. The 'Lady Boys' of Bangkok especially have fantastic ideas on what they wish to be, no doubt they go through hell arriving at their goal. I feel we should give them a round of applause. You see your own compulsion of misoneism has a double barrel meaning, that one cannot argue against.
Controlling the issues however can have serious flaws, it could lead to ulcers! The vacuous falling out of the High Street Pub for instance demanding fisticuffs with anyone giving him a second glance could be determined as being abusive. The bored cops who get the call to rope him in don't think so! It's fun time, make a meal out of this sot and throw him in the hoosegow. That is really abusive.
Appears to me that you may consider ambivalence to be abusive, you have no freedom of speech even if it's slanderous in it's merriment. The
' Northern Comedian ' prodding the Irish , or Pakistani is awfully abusive, but he fills every gig and venue he played at.
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Reply Thu 21 Apr, 2005 03:06 pm
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Reply Thu 21 Apr, 2005 03:27 pm
georgeob1 wrote:
But I go joyfully, listening to only what pleases me.


Well have a real nice day George Old Boy !!
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Reply Fri 22 Apr, 2005 06:26 am

If this is turning into a competition based on who can post the most words with the minimum of intullucteeal content threaders should bear in mind that in the froime of infatmorashun tecknecologrolly
the lipsmakkin wiggy-wails of toungeytyd dullestones hab un forminate tentfulness by veertoo of der potentasis potenseemy four mekin picktychoses.In tillyogropey ze functole of the sauce of forminashin is to explex lettreskins suckcessivisely frome un alfabetablox on to pond-trance thems alls as waily-wagglies ordure 'n a highwireorless to a breadchestivious of sweetovular sucrose.In de udder ent, ze wailswaguses are ussedenpufted to plixilite the sameness of the behinderbuckside for the looklikeansee frunt to bac to git the waggies-wailers
reinoventricled as new.
The prate at wich formyoolayshins con b mistranned is museiered by younits cold a baud.One baud is won youneet pear naughtie nineteen bespoke the cessimal blinkpoint ooffa secant wear ze younoit izz a bitecherie,a dig it or plimsole pendenturing on de cistern-chapel papsegs.

(The Coiroy Conferpants of Intotentional Sexperties 1951)

Unt neoow fer an encorne veweel heft Wolvesmann
Amazindwarph Mossyheart's Eyeit,Climeit Nightie
Mousseek beyouteeful plaked by de Plumphonic
Sinforme Orchardstrokins undies the directoire off Madame Lola von Bumpskins the intronashural cunnductor off iclaim.
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