It’s glad to see Mr. Donkey is taking the win round in a2k galaxy with MAXIMUM donkey ****. Seems he’s the navel of this galaxy. But piggy “sure enough” he’s not the navel of this world. If Donkey PRESENCE in PHF galaxy recommend this or that trash endlessly, piggy “sure enough” that “authentic” rabbit Dandan would kick his *ss to hell in one hour, because it’s really unnecessary.
This a2k galaxy “have compassion for” / “sympathize with” everybody and let them have a chance to PRESENCE in this world, some guys became non – disciplinary abuser. Such guys actually even can’t engage in rigorous mathematical – physical analysis. What they can do is argue for argue generally. Non sense at all in science.
Seems Wasp has been saved by Lord because although he’s a mad bull he still has a bit positive mind.
Donkey never. What Donkey displays to this world is to let scientists around the world to see he’s a “lobotomised” / “egotistical” idiot this life.
Whether Donkey carries **** or **** carries Donkey meaningful in physics? What a shame. Obviously, Donkey is not the exact guy to research physics, but a tricky conspirator.

Neila9876 @ htam9876:
Donkey should be AWARE that we are users of a2k galaxy too. Donkey is the most self – fish guy. He is turning a2k into private donkey **** pit. How can others PRESENCE here…