@Fil Albuquerque,
It seems to me Baudrillard contradicts himself on several occasions...for one the real as simulated was always fed through our eyes since man is man, every minute of our waking or sleeping hours. This is not a new-age problem, rather the "new-age" just accelerated the rhythm of cultural interchange and tribal binary warfare, being the case that cultures are already simulation frames on which one grounds our lives meaning and symbology...the real is always a self-referring simulation on which subjectivism is objective and not the other way around. The Subject was never free from the language of the code, although the code has no meaning if not for the purpose of the subjective experience on which qualia express its natural order. There is no "imagination" in the sense of achieving the transcendental, no free will to escape from the code. Current Neuroscience has shown repeatedly this illusion of free will is just that a persistent but necessary illusion. Life is not about self-awareness as in the sense that the subject has control over what is coded, but rather, the awareness of the code itself without any free will. Life is a zombie walk through experiencing, just a 4D movie...and that is what is REAL! The wording "simulation" reflects this fractal self-referring loop that mirrors itself ad eternum, an apparent infinity with a finite set of arrangements, the world of all possible "simulations"!