Evidence Mounts That The Vote May Have Been Hacked

Reply Tue 9 Nov, 2004 11:06 am
This story is getting legs.

Evidence Mounts That The Vote Was Hacked
by Thom Hartmann, Common Dreams

When I spoke with Jeff Fisher this morning (Saturday, November 06, 2004), the Democratic candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives from Florida's 16th District said he was waiting for the FBI to show up. Fisher has evidence, he says, not only that the Florida election was hacked, but of who hacked it and how. And not just this year, he said, but that these same people had previously hacked the Democratic primary race in 2002 so that Jeb Bush would not have to run against Janet Reno, who presented a real threat to Jeb, but instead against Bill McBride, who Jeb beat.

"It was practice for a national effort," Fisher told me.

And evidence is accumulating that the national effort happened on November 2, 2004.

The State of Florida, for example, publishes a county-by-county record of votes cast and people registered to vote by party affiliation. Net denizen Kathy Dopp compiled the official state information into a table, available at http://ustogether.org/Florida_Election.htm, and noticed something startling.

Also See:

Florida Secretary of State Presidential Results by County 11/02/2004 (.pdf)
Florida Secretary of State County Registration by Party 2/9/2004 (.pdf)

While the heavily scrutinized touch-screen voting machines seemed to produce results in which the registered Democrat/Republican ratios matched the Kerry/Bush vote, and so did the optically-scanned paper ballots in the larger counties, in Florida's smaller counties the results from the optically scanned paper ballots - fed into a central tabulator PC and thus vulnerable to hacking - seem to have been reversed.

In Baker County, for example, with 12,887 registered voters, 69.3% of them Democrats and 24.3% of them Republicans, the vote was only 2,180 for Kerry and 7,738 for Bush, the opposite of what is seen everywhere else in the country where registered Democrats largely voted for Kerry.

In Dixie County, with 4,988 registered voters, 77.5% of them Democrats and a mere 15% registered as Republicans, only 1,959 people voted for Kerry, but 4,433 voted for Bush.

The pattern repeats over and over again - but only in the smaller counties where, it was probably assumed, the small voter numbers wouldn't be much noticed. Franklin County, 77.3% registered Democrats, went 58.5% for Bush. Holmes County, 72.7% registered Democrats, went 77.25% for Bush.

Yet in the larger counties, where such anomalies would be more obvious to the news media, high percentages of registered Democrats equaled high percentages of votes for Kerry.

More visual analysis of the results can be seen at http://ustogether.org/election04/FloridaDataStats.htm, and www.rubberbug.com/temp/Florida2004chart.htm.

And, although elections officials didn't notice these anomalies, in aggregate they were enough to swing Florida from Kerry to Bush. If you simply go through the analysis of these counties and reverse the "anomalous" numbers in those counties that appear to have been hacked, suddenly the Florida election results resemble the Florida exit poll results: Kerry won, and won big.

Those exit poll results have been a problem for reporters ever since Election Day.

Election night, I'd been doing live election coverage for WDEV, one of the radio stations that carries my syndicated show, and, just after midnight, during the 12:20 a.m. Associated Press Radio News feed, I was startled to hear the reporter detail how Karen Hughes had earlier sat George W. Bush down to inform him that he'd lost the election. The exit polls were clear: Kerry was winning in a landslide. "Bush took the news stoically," noted the AP report.

But then the computers reported something different. In several pivotal states.

Conservatives see a conspiracy here: They think the exit polls were rigged.

Dick Morris, the infamous political consultant to the first Clinton campaign who became a Republican consultant and Fox News regular, wrote an article for The Hill, the publication read by every political junkie in Washington, DC, in which he made a couple of brilliant points.

"Exit Polls are almost never wrong," Morris wrote. "They eliminate the two major potential fallacies in survey research by correctly separating actual voters from those who pretend they will cast ballots but never do and by substituting actual observation for guesswork in judging the relative turnout of different parts of the state."

He added: "So, according to ABC-TVs exit polls, for example, Kerry was slated to carry Florida, Ohio, New Mexico, Colorado, Nevada, and Iowa, all of which Bush carried. The only swing state the network had going to Bush was West Virginia, which the president won by 10 points."

Yet a few hours after the exit polls were showing a clear Kerry sweep, as the computerized vote numbers began to come in from the various states the election was called for Bush.

How could this happen?

On the CNBC TV show "Topic A With Tina Brown," several months ago, Howard Dean had filled in for Tina Brown as guest host. His guest was Bev Harris, the Seattle grandmother who started www.blackboxvoting.org from her living room. Bev pointed out that regardless of how votes were tabulated (other than hand counts, only done in odd places like small towns in Vermont), the real "counting" is done by computers. Be they Diebold Opti-Scan machines, which read paper ballots filled in by pencil or ink in the voter's hand, or the scanners that read punch cards, or the machines that simply record a touch of the screen, in all cases the final tally is sent to a "central tabulator" machine.

That central tabulator computer is a Windows-based PC.

"In a voting system," Harris explained to Dean on national television, "you have all the different voting machines at all the different polling places, sometimes, as in a county like mine, there's a thousand polling places in a single county. All those machines feed into the one machine so it can add up all the votes. So, of course, if you were going to do something you shouldn't to a voting machine, would it be more convenient to do it to each of the 4000 machines, or just come in here and deal with all of them at once?"

Dean nodded in rhetorical agreement, and Harris continued. "What surprises people is that the central tabulator is just a PC, like what you and I use. It's just a regular computer."

"So," Dean said, "anybody who can hack into a PC can hack into a central tabulator?"

Harris nodded affirmation, and pointed out how Diebold uses a program called GEMS, which fills the screen of the PC and effectively turns it into the central tabulator system. "This is the official program that the County Supervisor sees," she said, pointing to a PC that was sitting between them loaded with Diebold's software.

Bev then had Dean open the GEMS program to see the results of a test election. They went to the screen titled "Election Summary Report" and waited a moment while the PC "adds up all the votes from all the various precincts," and then saw that in this faux election Howard Dean had 1000 votes, Lex Luthor had 500, and Tiger Woods had none. Dean was winning.

"Of course, you can't tamper with this software," Harris noted. Diebold wrote a pretty good program.

But, it's running on a Windows PC.

So Harris had Dean close the Diebold GEMS software, go back to the normal Windows PC desktop, click on the "My Computer" icon, choose "Local Disk C:," open the folder titled GEMS, and open the sub-folder "LocalDB" which, Harris noted, "stands for local database, that's where they keep the votes." Harris then had Dean double-click on a file in that folder titled "Central Tabulator Votes," which caused the PC to open the vote count in a database program like Excel.

In the "Sum of the Candidates" row of numbers, she found that in one precinct Dean had received 800 votes and Lex Luthor had gotten 400.

"Let's just flip those," Harris said, as Dean cut and pasted the numbers from one cell into the other. "And," she added magnanimously, "let's give 100 votes to Tiger."

They closed the database, went back into the official GEMS software "the legitimate way, you're the county supervisor and you're checking on the progress of your election."

As the screen displayed the official voter tabulation, Harris said, "And you can see now that Howard Dean has only 500 votes, Lex Luthor has 900, and Tiger Woods has 100." Dean, the winner, was now the loser.

Harris sat up a bit straighter, smiled, and said, "We just edited an election, and it took us 90 seconds."

On live national television. (You can see the clip on www.votergate.tv.)

Which brings us back to Morris and those pesky exit polls that had Karen Hughes telling George W. Bush that he'd lost the election in a landslide.

Morris's conspiracy theory is that the exit polls "were sabotage" to cause people in the western states to not bother voting for Bush, since the networks would call the election based on the exit polls for Kerry. But the networks didn't do that, and had never intended to. It makes far more sense that the exit polls were right - they weren't done on Diebold PCs - and that the vote itself was hacked.

And not only for the presidential candidate - Jeff Fisher thinks this hit him and pretty much every other Democratic candidate for national office in the most-hacked swing states.

So far, the only national "mainstream" media to come close to this story was Keith Olbermann on his show Friday night, November 5th, when he noted that it was curious that all the voting machine irregularities so far uncovered seem to favor Bush. In the meantime, the Washington Post and other media are now going through single-bullet-theory-like contortions to explain how the exit polls had failed.

But I agree with Fox's Dick Morris on this one, at least in large part. Wrapping up his story for The Hill, Morris wrote in his final paragraph, "This was no mere mistake. Exit polls cannot be as wrong across the board as they were on election night. I suspect foul play."

Thom Hartmann (thom at thomhartmann.com) is a Project Censored Award-winning best-selling author and host of a nationally syndicated daily progressive talk show. www.thomhartmann .com His most recent books are " The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight," " Unequal Protection: The Rise of Corporate Dominance and the Theft of Human Rights," " We The People: A Call To Take Back America," and " What Would Jefferson Do?: A Return To Democracy."

Here's one from MSNBC:


Which offers one way bloggers can help guide the mainstream at times like this: source your stuff like crazy, and the stuffier the source the better.

Enough from the soapbox. We have heard the message on the Voting Angst and will continue to cover it with all prudent speed.

Thanks for your support.

Keep them coming... Email me at [email protected]

This story IS moving out of the tinfoil hat zone, quickly.

Though I'm sure that the conservatives here will continue to pooh-pah, right up until the end...

0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Nov, 2004 11:10 am
Of course it is getting legs. Every conspiracy does, just look at the who killed JFK thread.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Nov, 2004 11:11 am
timberlandko wrote:
Harper wrote:
OK then tell me what it is in the interview that you dispute.

The entire absurd, preposterous, paranoid "black helicopter"-ish premis. I don't dispute it, for it merits no such serious attention, but rather I wonder at the gullibilitity and credulity of those so desperate as to be able to convince themselves there might be so much as a scintilla of validity to the allegation. Alex Jones and Bev Harris strike me as havin' the makin's of quite the comedy team.

You may have played the interview but you didn't listen to it... again, you are unable to refute any of the evidence presented. You are merely bloviating.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Nov, 2004 11:12 am
cannistershot wrote:
Of course it is getting legs. Every conspiracy does, just look at the who killed JFK thread.

Do any of you have anything to say other than snide and obtuse remarks?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Nov, 2004 11:13 am
FreeDuck, no one seriously proposes The Democrats "move to the Republicans". What The Democrats - their leadership - must do to reverse their recent fortunes is to move back to The Mainstream. It is they - theleadership of The Democratic Party - who have distanced themselves from The Electorate. The Democratic Party seems committed to putting as much ground between itself and The Great Middle as it can.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Nov, 2004 11:13 am
No, you? Laughing
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Reply Tue 9 Nov, 2004 11:14 am
No, you?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Nov, 2004 11:15 am
No, he doesn't.

Some numbers from



Either the exit polls were massively tampered with, or the actual polls were, there's no two ways about it.

Seeing as the exit polls confirm the vast majority of the previous polling data up until the 2nd, it seems rather odd that EVERY poll would be that far off of the actual total...

0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Nov, 2004 11:19 am
FreeDuck, no one seriously proposes The Democrats "move to the Republicans". What The Democrats - their leadership - must do to reverse their recent fortunes is to move back to The Mainstream. It is they - theleadership of The Democratic Party - who have distanced themselves from The Electorate. The Democratic Party seems committed to putting as much ground between itself and The Great Middle as it can.

This is untrue. The 'Mainstream' as you put it, 49% voted for Kerry. That's a higher approval rating than Bush has gotten in some time.

The Democratic party lost out to three things:

1. Pandering to the Religious Right
2. Using terrorism to scare Middle America
3. Out and out stealing votes in key states.

They certainly don't need to 're-align' with the 'mainstream'...... they just need to find a way to fight the dirty tactics of fear and prejudice employed by the republicans.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Nov, 2004 11:22 am
I just have to wonder had Kerry won would this theory exist? Would republicans start a theory that the ballots were stuffed in Kerry's favor? If you believe exit polls or any poll for that matter you get what you deserve, faulty results. Since push-polling started they have ALL been wrong and will be until we go back to straight polling.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Nov, 2004 11:24 am
Harper, I listened to it ... several times, with growing mirth. Unable to refute what "evidence"? There simply is no basis for allegations of systemic irregularity. It is telling to the point of conclusivity the argument of The Left re election improprieties and background "Governmental Manipulation" is so bankrupt as to beggar description. It truly is tinfoil hat stuff.

But go with it if that comforts you. Pressing the issue will serve only to further diminish the credibility and viability of The Democratic Party. Sore-Loserman didn't work 4 years ago. It is stupid to persist in a demonstrated repeatedly failed course of action in expectation of improved result. That appears to be one thing some in The Democratic Party do very well. Keep it up.


Its working.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Nov, 2004 11:28 am
timberlandko wrote:
Harper, I listened to it ... several times, with growing mirth. Unable to refute what "evidence"? There simply is no basis for allegations of systemic irregularity. It is telling to the point of conclusivity the argument of The Left re election improprieties and background "Governmental Manipulation" is so bankrupt as to beggar description. It truly is tinfoil hat stuff.

But go with it if that comforts you. Pressing the issue will serve only to further diminish the credibility and viability of The Democratic Party. Sore-Loserman didn't work 4 years ago. It is stupid to persist in a demonstrated repeatedly failed course of action in expectation of improved result. That appears to be one thing some in The Democratic Party do very well. Keep it up.


Its working.

I agree keep it up. Then we can have Rudy in 2008 and 2012. I think that a better use of time would be on finding out where the democratic party failed how to fix that and who should run in 2008 instead of beating the same dead horse from 2000.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Nov, 2004 11:29 am
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Nov, 2004 11:33 am
If we were a true democracy that might be funny.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Nov, 2004 11:35 am
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Nov, 2004 12:06 pm
timberlandko wrote:
FreeDuck, no one seriously proposes The Democrats "move to the Republicans". What The Democrats - their leadership - must do to reverse their recent fortunes is to move back to The Mainstream. It is they - theleadership of The Democratic Party - who have distanced themselves from The Electorate. The Democratic Party seems committed to putting as much ground between itself and The Great Middle as it can.

Just curious about this Timber. What specifically has the Democratic party advocated that is out of the mainstream and how would you propose they change that? I'm asking out of honest curiosity since my support for the democrats in this election had very little to do with their party -- although their party did a pretty good job when they were in power. What specific issues are they way out of line on?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Nov, 2004 12:07 pm
BTW, timber, that last post belongs on the gloating thread...
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Nov, 2004 12:12 pm
No doubt it would be approipriate there, FreeDuck ... here however it was response to Harper's immediatel previous posted image. There's perception, and there's reality.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Nov, 2004 12:13 pm

You normally post quite intelligently. Why resort to this childishness?

0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Nov, 2004 12:30 pm
Will all trolls kindly remove themselves from the thread?
0 Replies

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