Vet Suicide protest of election?

Reply Mon 8 Nov, 2004 09:24 am
no, only 59 million of them
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Reply Mon 8 Nov, 2004 11:29 am
Vet Suicide protest of election?

edgarblythe-I have read a number of articles on this incident, and nowhere did I see a reference that Veal served in the military. Where did you get that info?
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Reply Mon 8 Nov, 2004 11:33 am
Very sad. I feel for the family and the fiance that he left behind. Lets please not make rude comments this was someones son.
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Reply Mon 8 Nov, 2004 11:33 am
A source said Veal may have been suffering from some personal problems, though his family has told authorities he was very upset about the war in Iraq and President George W. Bush's re-election.

Link to Newsday article

OK............So now, little by little, info is starting to emerge. Stay tuned.
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Reply Mon 8 Nov, 2004 11:39 am
Andrew Veal, a 25-year-old Georgia resident, shot and killed himself at Ground Zero in New York last week. A co-worker of Veal's told the press she was "absolutely sure" that his actions were in protest of the re-election of George W. Bush.

This story is so ludicrous and tragic at the same time, I don't know whether to laugh or cry. To actually kill one's self because one doesn't like our country's leader is preposterous. I hear France is lovely this time of year, move there. Take up residency in Australia, Great Britain or Jamaica, but don't take your own life and ruin the lives of others around you because you're disappointed in the choice that a majority of citizens made.

I truly feel sorry for this guy and anyone that knew him. I also think that this was the ultimate "cry-baby" move. Talk about being self-centered and immature; like a kid on Christmas morning who doesn't get the toy he asked for and throws a fit.


I don't necessarily take the hard line that this author does. Bear in mind, that this is from a student newspaper.
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Reply Mon 8 Nov, 2004 12:10 pm
It just occurred to me that Nov. 11th is Veterans Day in the U.S. I dedicated this poem to Mysterman once:

by Nina Cassian
Roy MacGregor-Hastie, trans.

While fighting for his country, he lost an arm
and was suddenly afraid.
'From now on, I shall only be able to do things by halves.
I shall reap half a harvest.
I shall be able to play either the tune
or the accompaniment on a piano;
but never both parts together.
I shall be able to bang only one fist
on doors, and worst of all
I shall only be able to half hold
my love close to me.
There will be things I cannot do at all,
applaud for example,
at shows where everyone applauds.'

From that moment on, he set himself to do everything with
twice as much enthusiasm.
And where the arm had been torn away
a wing grew.
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Joe Nation
Reply Mon 8 Nov, 2004 12:51 pm
It would be the sight to put someone on the edge over the edge.

Ground Zero remains a stunning punch in the gut especially to someone who hasn't been there. Circled by the lights and sounds of the city, this vast maw stretches out from the fences. It's still a huge thought, still numbing to think ....here the towers stood, here the people, the humanity vanished.....

He parked his car on the western edge of the area. It would have been pretty dark on those streets. He would have had the place to himself. If he was on the edge of some kind of despair when he arrived, Ground Zero would have likely tipped his balance and let him fall.

I tell you too there was a lot of weeping for this country done in these parts on Wednesday. A lot of people here on the streets of New York are not reassured of their safety, not feeling secure in their rights as human beings and not feeling good about America after this election.


We ride the the subway to work here and everyday the alert level is Orange. We check ourselves in and out of our buildings at work and watch for packages or knapsacks left lying near benchs. We see the machine-gun packing pairs of policemen standing on the stairways. We eat dinner with friends. We try to live our lives. We listen to the sirens to see if there if there is something more urgent about them this time.

We look at the vast swath of America that doesn't live like this and wonder, how can we share with you what it feels like to be at war?

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Reply Mon 8 Nov, 2004 01:26 pm
" A lot of people here on the streets of New York are not reassured of their safety, not feeling secure in their rights as human beings and not feeling good about America after this election. "

I think you are being over dramatic.
You wienies from the Upper West Side do not represent real working New Yorkers. Your's is the attitude that "piss" off the Nation where someone was quoted as saying "New Yorkers are more sophisticated than they are (middle America)"

If your suggesting that you would have felt safer with Kerry, I suggest you see a MD quickly, as he would have done NO BETTER or worse than GW.
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Joe Nation
Reply Mon 8 Nov, 2004 03:01 pm
We shall see, woiyo, we shall see, and I invite you to come to our fair city and ride with me daily and you shall see there on the A train, not wienies, but the salt of the earth, hard-working people from all over the world.

You'll hear more different languages in an hour on the 1/9 line than you will anywhere else in the US, but you know what? All those wienies turned out to be tough sonsabitchs when it can time to walk home on 9/11. When we didn't know if there were any more planes coming or if the jobs that we had downtown would ever come back. You know they evacuated the whole of the city up to 14th Street that first night? Where do you think all those wienies went?

And they kept the downtown empty for the next month and a half, could you have kept your business running if you didn't have any income for that time? Could you have fed your family and maybe the family across the hall? Weinies. Could you head downtown every day trying to find some work and maybe end up taking up hours at the Church shelter serving food so you could eat too? Could you call your suppliers and tell them that they wouldn't be getting a check for a while and that you really didn't know if they'd ever be getting a check. Could you face your workers at the crossing line when they moved it down to Canal and tell them morning after morning, maybe tomorrow? Manana, mas o' menos.

Wienies. You ought to be ashamed of yourself. I asked how can I share with you what it's like for a people to be in a war and you spit back a name.

I don't know where you are in America, but I'll bet the terror level isn't Orange. I don't know where you are in America but I'll bet you can't see Ground Zero from where you stand. I can.
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Reply Mon 8 Nov, 2004 03:07 pm
November 8, 2004

Albany - A double life and an unhealthy obsession with politics may have lead a University of Georgia employee to commit suicide at ground zero over the weekend. Andrew Veal's body was found Saturday morning inside the off-limits site. He shot and killed himself Friday, his 25th birthday.

Co-workers say Veal was depressed over the outcome of the Presidential election and distraught over the war in Iraq. One newspaper article said he was also juggling two girlfriends.


The plot thickens!
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Joe Nation
Reply Mon 8 Nov, 2004 03:16 pm
So now we know he was as obsessed with politics as most in the Politics Forum, that he drank Jack Daniels, had two girlfriends ....and it was his birthday.....

Has anyone heard from Kickycan?
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Reply Mon 8 Nov, 2004 03:19 pm
So now we know he was as obsessed with politics as most in the Politics Forum

Joe- So are you keeping count of how many disgruntled A2Kers offed themselves after the election? :wink:

I'm telling you that this guy had problems, big time, and that the election was merely a catalyst.
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Joe Nation
Reply Mon 8 Nov, 2004 03:24 pm
I know, relax.....

So far, no A2kers dead.....

. how are you feeling?

:wink: :wink:

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Reply Mon 8 Nov, 2004 03:25 pm
Rotten. I have a lousy cold, and the only thing that I am up to doing is playing on the computer!
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Joe Nation
Reply Mon 8 Nov, 2004 03:32 pm

I left work early and am drinking my orange juice, gingerale, sugar and salt secret formula cold cure.........

0 Replies
Reply Mon 8 Nov, 2004 03:37 pm
Try echinacea, zinc and lotsa vitamin C. An antibiotic won't hurt if the cold turns into bronchitis, which mine did!

There seems to be an epidemic of this around my area!
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Reply Mon 8 Nov, 2004 03:39 pm
It's kind of tough to have compassion for those that are so selfish as to take their own lives. I could careless what the issue was in this sick persons life, it wasn't worth killing ones self over. I'm still waiting for the info on this guy being a vet; it seems more like he was a left wing enviro wack instead of a US soldier.

Seems odd how they are claiming it was in protest to the election, but there was no note stating the reason. I would think someone killing them selves in protest would want as many people to know as possible so that there would be no question as to why. The sick one here wanted everyone to question. Just adds to the selfishness.
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Reply Mon 8 Nov, 2004 03:48 pm
Baldimo wrote:
It's kind of tough to have compassion for those that are so selfish as to take their own lives. I could careless what the issue was in this sick persons life, it wasn't worth killing ones self over. I'm still waiting for the info on this guy being a vet; it seems more like he was a left wing enviro wack instead of a US soldier.

Seems odd how they are claiming it was in protest to the election, but there was no note stating the reason. I would think someone killing them selves in protest would want as many people to know as possible so that there would be no question as to why. The sick one here wanted everyone to question. Just adds to the selfishness.

baldimo no offense but I think I can speak for myself and a few others in saying I (we) have a hard time picturing you with compassion for much of anyone except those in lockstep with your beliefs....so your post is not surprising...and what evidence was there that he was a left wing enviro wack. It is not consistent to accuse the left of stereotyping and politicizing
when you are doing exactly the same thing. Check yourself before you wreck yourself I believe the saying goes......I'm sure you're a wonderful fellow who's kind to his family and small animals but one would never suspect it by these types of posts....
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Reply Mon 8 Nov, 2004 04:52 pm
I lack compassion for those who are weak of the mind and take their own lives without thinking of those around them. I've been there and was almost successful. I know what I am talking about.
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Joe Nation
Reply Mon 8 Nov, 2004 05:07 pm
I am with you on this, Baldimo, slap my hand away if you must but, know I am with you on this, Baldimo.
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