Sun 7 Nov, 2004 12:17 pm
No comment at this time - edgarblythe
Vet upset over election kills self at ground zero
Associated Press
NEW YORK -- A 25-year-old from Georgia who was apparently distraught over President Bush's re-election shot and killed himself at ground zero. ADVERTISEMENT
Andrew Veal's body was found Saturday morning inside the off-limits site, said Steve Coleman, a spokesman for the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. A shotgun was found nearby, but no suicide note was found, Coleman said.
Veal's mother said her son was upset about the result of the presidential election and had driven to New York, Gus Danese, president of the Port Authority Police Benevolent Association, told The New York Times in Sunday's editions.
Friends said Veal worked in a computer lab at the University of Georgia and was planning to marry.
"I'm absolutely sure it's a protest," Mary Anne Mauney, Veal's supervisor at the lab, told The Daily News. "I don't know what made him commit suicide, but where he did it was symbolic."
Police were investigating how Veal entered the former World Trade Center site, which is protected by high fences and owned by the Port Authority.
saw that...sad state of affairs....
edgar, I saw that news bit and posted it as a link on Soz's thread about "Closure". Terrible thing.
Oh pshaw! I would bet my last buck that this guy was depressed to begin with. Possibly his upset over the election tipped him over the edge, but no normal person commits suicide in "protest". I think that the media is trying to make as much out of this as they can, and I don't believe it for one moment!
pshaw? heh heh. I love that expression. Well, Phoenix, perhaps you are correct, but many passionate folks have done so in the past.
Letty wrote:pshaw? heh heh. I love that expression.
This is rather a interjection. ;-)
If someone wants to commit suicide just because their candidate lost the election,then I say good riddance.
Maybe this idiots death will help improve the gene pool.
Bush win drives Americans crazy
WASHINGTON: Georgia resident Andrew Veal travelled to New York after the presidential elections, went to Ground Zero of 9/11, and shot himself in the head with a .12-gauge shotgun.
His family and friends told city police that 25-year-old Veal, a registered Democrat who worked for the University of Georgia, was despondent over the results.
Veal's suicide is the most extreme reaction reported in the US to president Bush's winning in what is being described as one of the most bitter and divisive elections in history. But accounts across the country, particularly from the liberal bastions on the East Coast and West Coast, suggest that many Democrats are traumatised by the results.
Therapists are reporting an upsurge in patients seeking counselling for depression over political events of last week.
Psychologists and anger specialists are treating what they call "political rage" problems. There are no immediate numbers attached to this Democratic despair but newspapers in New York and California have reported the issue.
mysteryman wrote:If someone wants to commit suicide just because their candidate lost the election,then I say good riddance.
Maybe this idiots death will help improve the gene pool.
That is a very unfair statement to make. I would say more, but I suspect that you aren't very capable of feeling compassion or empathy.
I don't see any indication that this was a vet......if he was in the service and was this strongly anti bush I'm sure we could have just gotten mysteryman to frag him.....
I just dropped by to agree with Phoenix.
SCoates- I was looking on Google News, and all of the stories give the same information, which is not much. I would guess that when people who knew him are questioned, a psychiatric history will emerge.
mysteryman wrote:If someone wants to commit suicide just because their candidate lost the election,then I say good riddance.
Maybe this idiots death will help improve the gene pool.
compassionate conservatism alive and well in the midlands
willow_tl wrote:mysteryman wrote:If someone wants to commit suicide just because their candidate lost the election,then I say good riddance.
Maybe this idiots death will help improve the gene pool.
compassionate conservatism alive and well in the midlands

that really was a disgusting post.....well below mysteryman's usual standard....IMO....
As a clearer portrait of Mr. Veal began to emerge from interviews with friends, acquaintances and co-workers, other motivations, personal as well as political, were suggested. He was depicted as a sober man with passionate feelings for environmental and human rights causes, a vegetarian who held two jobs, had become engaged recently and was looking forward to marriage in June and to attending a culinary school and taking up a new career in food.
Friends recalled Mr. Veal, who was known as Andy, as calm, upbeat and fun-loving. While some acquaintances said they had seen no signs recently that he was depressed, others said they had noticed that he was not quite himself, as one put it, although all called him a person unlikely to take his own life.
"It doesn't make sense," said Mary Ann Mauney, a research coordinator and Mr. Veal's supervisor at the University of Georgia Survey Research Center, which conducts telephone surveys for professors and state agencies. Mr. Veal, who directed the center's calling operations, had begun working for the organization six years ago, while he was a sociology student at the University of Georgia.
"He didn't have a gun as far as any of us know," Ms. Mauney said. "He was a vegetarian in part because of the way meat is processed and the way animals are treated. And he felt healthier, too."
Besides his commitment to environmental causes, she said, he was passionate about combating poverty, sexism and homophobia.
"He understood all the interconnections of things," Ms. Mauney said. "He had a total grasp of actually all the things that are wrong in the world. And he was very concerned about that."
There were no statements by Mr. Veal's parents, Jerry and Sharon Veal, of Temple, Ga., or his fiancée, Audrey Grieme, 21, of Thomasville, Ga., a senior who is studying opera at Simpson College in Indianola, Iowa, near Des Moines.
A former colleague at the research center, Julie Chance, said she had not seen Mr. Veal recently and did not know if he had been distraught. While employed full-time at the center, he worked part-time as a cook for Amici's Italian Cafe in Athens, she said.
"His love was culinary," Ms. Chance said, noting that she and Mr. Veal had occasionally cooked meals together. "He had been offered a higher position at U. Ga., but his love was cooking."
Ms. Mauney said that Mr. Veal had become engaged over the summer and had told colleagues on Tuesday that he was taking Friday off to travel to Seattle, where he was to meet his fiancée and her parents. He did not appear at work on Wednesday and Thursday, and when he did not arrive in Seattle, his friends became worried, Ms. Mauney said.
At Mr. Veal's home in Athens, a white-frame house with a wide front porch in a neighborhood of tall oaks and Victorian houses that is rapidly regentrifying, a young man who answered the door declined to discuss his housemate. Neighbors said Mr. Veal was soft-spoken and friendly and never seemed upset.
The area is predominantly Democratic in a Republican state.
At Amici's, where Mr. Veal cooked part-time, Kayte Stanbery, the manager, said Mr. Veal never talked about politics.
"We were too busy," she said over the bustling noise of the restaurant. "He was a great cook, and everyone loved him."
In Iowa, a friend of Ms. Grieme, Mr. Veal's fiancée, said she had met Mr. Veal several times but did not know him well. "But I know through her how much they loved each other," said the friend, who asked not to be identified.
"I just know what she told me about him, and it was nothing but good things." She said he did not talk about politics, nor did Ms. Grieme discuss his political views.
Ms. Mauney, Mr. Veal's supervisor in Athens, said that while he spoke of political matters with friends, he was usually reticent about personal matters.
"Even some of his closest friends, who he did talk to about personal things, had no idea he felt that bad," Ms. Mauney said. "I don't think any of us can explain what was going on in his mind. It's unbelievable, to even the people who were closest to him. It's just so sad."
Anne Berryman in Athens, Ga., contributed reporting for this article.
Well if there is not more information and this is what we have to go on, if appears that a logical sane man became so upset over Bush's election that he killed himself at ground zero.
Don't give up though, later people might be able to find information that he was really a whacko loony toon just waiting for something like that to happen to off himself and the most historical site in the modern US.
Nice Headline!!!!
Bush win drives Americans crazy
WASHINGTON: Georgia resident Andrew Veal travelled to New York after the presidential elections, went to Ground Zero of 9/11, and shot himself in the head with a .12-gauge shotgun.
So one knucklehead kills itself and AMERICANS are going crazy???