snood wrote:And, as a minor footnote - I have always heard the right-wingers rail about those damned liberals trying to "run God out" of our schools, but I had to come to A2K to actually meet 'em. I actually thought they were caricatures and stereotypes. Not that you're damned liberals, but I'd not until now actually encountered folks who just don't even want God mentioned by our teachers, unless they refer to him (her , it) as an archaic myth.
Live and learn, I guess.
Snood, here's a thought. The Internet connects up billions of people - there are three blocs (for want of a better word) of about 3 or 4 billions that consist of people who either:
-believe in Allah and follow the Prophet
-are followers of a tri-partite Godhead of Vishnu, Brahma and Shiva
-are nominal atheists, but practise a weird mix of Marxism and Confucism
And you truely believe that a:
-there are NO religious types on the net, and
-a bunch of libruls in the
same nation as you with the
same basic culture and values are going to force their ideas on you? This from a nation where trying to get a group to agree on pizza tippings will either end up in a lawsuit or a hand-gun shooting?
Cut the BS mate!