Quote:f you really understood what the definition of evolution was, and how it is portrayed at the acedemic level, you would realise that your statement, and many similar comments on this thread, are gross simplifications of the subject, as well as clear examples of regurgitated humanist propaganda mixed with poorly understood principles of the various Earth Sciences.
please enlighten me oh rocket scientist, Ive only been practicing poorly understood Earth Sciences for almost 30 years. Never too late to learn. Im amazed at the 'If you cant be right, then be wrong at the top of your lungs"
If youve failed to read the proofs and actual demonstrations of active evolution and its results in speciation, or if youve merely refused to understtand tthe theory, dont go spouting as if you understand. Your not cementing your credibility by displaying such profound ignorance of about 10 different sciences.
whats a specific problem youve got with genomic evidence for evolution? Do you deny genetics also?
Where is there a flaw in Earth SCience-we dont know everything buit our models are robust.
does Uniformitarianism bother you
How about sUperposition?
Theres eviidence from geophysics and geochemistry thatt the earth is very very old.
you obviously have arguments with the fossil record.
Well, all these components of a "poorly understood Earth SCience" actually work for us.You do realize that the poor schmuck scientists have spent BILLIONS of your tax dollars in the space program to better understand the geology of the Lunar and Marttian Landscapes? And, weve used Superposition and Un iformitarian models to interpret the data. you have gotta be enraged at this , especially if youd helped design or work on tthe vehicles that did the ferrying of the scientific instruments
Im accepting E browns explanation that youve "compartmentalized" various aspects of science. I couldnt sleep at night when my scientific inquiries att work start conflicting witth my religious beliefs. id either quit my job, or be a bit more critical of my flawed way of thinking.
Im kind of surprised at your revelations to us. Are there any specific areas of science that you feel support your Creationist beliefs?