The underlying "fight" seems to be that zealots on both sides want to push zealots of the other side out of the whole school system. that's what the whole trouble is, in my estimation.
"Zealot" does not equal wrong. I understand your call for moderation, but I don't feel it is justified here.
In this case one side is right (and the other wrong) on two counts...
1) Evolution is a keystone of the modern body of knowledge we call
science. It is the result of the scientific process and commonly accepted by the scientific community.
2) Promoting a specific
religion in public schools (which are government institutions) is prohibited by our system of government and our Constitution.
Creationism is not science. Teaching creationism is not equivalent to teaching science.
Allowing those who want to make creationism equal to science will harm students.
First it unduly attacks a key point of modern science and instills uncertainty where scientists are not uncertain.
Second, it injects the beliefs of a specific religion into public school education which is inappropriate in a pluralistic democracy.