Having a legit university, let alone a state's public university with a well-known tradition of excellence, branch out into the online field is one thing. Presumably, the students who matriculate via the online service will have to prove that they are ready for the course work and have a reasonable chance of being able to absorb the learning that Purdue has to offer. Kaplan, U of Phoenix, and the late unlamented Trump University would accept anyone as a student whether they had a reasonable chance to pass college level courses or not, and stuck those who were not ready for college with an enormous bill when those students inevitably flunk out. For-profit colleges are a racket, and Purdue just joined the racket.
The article said that the students presently in Kaplan will get a degree from Purdue University if they finish, when most of those students didn't have nearly the high school skills to attend college, and the course work at Kaplan can in no way compare to the course work at a real college.
The whole plan sounds like, as Blatham frequently says, a plan to defund the Left. Vastly reduce the academic community in size by substituting cheesy online diploma factories for real colleges, and cut the legs out from under of any academic opposition to the people in power.