Quote Baldimo:
Quote:They checked later and found that they started out with different salaries? That doesn't say anything about the long term pay off for those people.
No, that would take 20 years. However, the for-profit grads start off at significantly lower salaries than the public community college grads. You think that 10 years down the line for-profit grads suddenly turn on the jets and start to average MORE than the community college grads? Why?
Quote article:
Quote:So far, say researchers, we don't know much about the earnings payoff associated with for-profits.
Quote Baldimo:
Quote:That doesn't stop the article from trying though.
In complex systems, (economic and otherwise), a change in one statistic generally causes a change in several other statistics. A change in the number of Full Time jobs, for instance, will also affect house sales, tax revenue, etc. Here, all the stats indicate that for-profit colleges give you a degree that is not worth nearly what one from a cheaper public university supplies. Even a relatively low level job like a practical nurse, (which does not require anywhere near the education of a registered nurse), puts the for-profit graduate in the hole compared to the public college grad when they start off. And the writers of the article are being kind, otherwise they would include the fact that percentagewise, more than twice the students who start for-profit college fail to complete their degree than public college students in all the statistics.
Overall, I haven't seen you produce a single fact or statistic to support the idea that for-profit colleges aren't an expensive scam for the students who buy their educations there. All we see from you is criticism of studies that show that they are scams. That doesn't help your case.