When I pack a lunch I drink tea because I really don't care for coffee out of a vacuum bottle. But when the season gets going and the coffee machine's running I'll have two or sometimes three cups a day. If it's really hot, which doesn't happen very often in this location, I'll supplement my intake with water.
Back when I worked in a shipyard we had a German couple who had their yacht hauled out for some keel work. They continued to live on board. Around 2:30 of the first day I started working on his boat he leans out over the rail and asks me when I take my "beer break". Turns out that it's not uncommon in Europe to have a beer during the workday. Sorrowfully I explained that it was not allowed.
Once I had a job in a cabinet shop, working with a Jamaican crew. One of the popular lunches was a bottle of Guinness mixed with a can of condensed milk. Sometimes a raw egg was added to the mixture.