This is not really a political question, I think.
But since we have been talking about "Anti-Americanism" in this category already and since the article below is published in the politics section of "Die Zeit", it might well fit here.
Especially, too, since the author takes a more political view on this subject:
Anti-Europeanism in America
By Timothy Garton Ash
This year, especially if the United States goes to war against Iraq, you will doubtless see more articles in the American press on "Anti-Americanism in Europe." But what about anti-Europeanism in the United States? Consider this:
To the list of polities destined to slip down the Eurinal of history, we must add the European Union and France's Fifth Republic. The only question is how messy their disintegration will be.
(Mark Steyn, Jewish World Review, May 1, 2002)
Even the phrase "cheese-eating surrender monkeys" is used [to describe the French] as often as the French say "screw the Jews." Oops, sorry, that's a different popular French expression.
(Jonah Goldberg, National Review Online, July 16, 2002)
Or, from a rather different corner:
"You want to know what I really think of the Europeans?" asked the senior State Department Official. "I think they have been wrong on just about every major international issue for the past 20 years."
(Quoted by Martin Walker, UPI, November 13, 2002)
Further reading here:
The New York Review of Books
February 13, 2003
Anti-Europeanism in America