osso wrote-
Quote:Pulling up a chair, re Foofie and Hawkeye...
Yeah--I think I will. It's a good laugh.
Not as good as the one Salinger got out of me with that description of an English movie.
You could get a few ideas from that boys and tighten your act up.
You're not Americans and I'm not a European. We are both silly piss-pots roaming around the globe's surface wondering what to do next with our surplus energies. How can one lot of silly piss-pots be anti another bunch of silly piss-pots. And here we are, the both of us, choosing to expend some of that energy on A2K. So we have something in common. Are you pro that. It's a start.
It's like being anti-human. You might as well be anti the chap next door because he has a picture of a piss-pot over his fireplace and wipes his croggies off on a table leg. I love so many things about America it would be a long job making a list of them and getting it into an alphabetical order so that no-one might think I prioritise.
And if you couldn't return the compliment you should go to remedial night classes at your local Adult Education Centre.
It's unChristian to be anti other people.
I'm just assuming you're exercising your literary talents, which I must admit are not bad. If I didn't assume that I might have to think there are some frazzled nerves.
From guilt. You know deep down what you owe us. After all others have rowed a boat ashore long before you ever did and didn't make such a good job, ahem!, of the untouched assets. What they lacked was the European base camp which you had. So you might feel a bit guilty about the mean and despicable manner in which you have treated your father culture.