Now that we don't have to face the horrors of it occurring, we would do well to thank the Lord that we have escaped the repercussions of a Kerry Presidency.
Stop and think of what has been avoided. I believe that Kerry would have presided over the beginning of the end of the United States of America.
After the Bin Laden endorsement of Kerry, Bin Laden would have bragging rights in the Middle East. He is revered as a hero now. He'd have been elevated to god status. New recruits to AQ would have accelerated monumentally.
By his own admission Kerry intended to treat terrorism as a nuisance. He intended to return to the disastrous Clinton Policy of terrorism being a law enforcement and an intelligence issue. With a withdrawal of American troops from Iran, it to would become an Islamic State. Bin Laden would have claimed that the US cut and ran as in Somalia because we were afraid.
The United States already has a sizable militant population of Palestinians. Recently the news has had articles about this group's increasing use of violence.
Under a Kerry Presidency and the PC climate it serves, monitoring these groups would be pushed to the back burner. Consider the damage done by 100,000 suicide bombers in the US. Imagine a Beslan every other month.
The secularists have already made considerable headway in wrenching God from the schools and every public building. Imagine the active persecution of Christians. Imagine preaching against homosexual behavior, abortion, promiscuity being declared hate crimes and every real Christian Church loosing its tax-exempt status. Some of that has happened already. Imagine having church watchers reporting and then prosecuting Christian preachers on hate crimes.
Imagine the screwball California Federal Court system in every region of the United States. Imagine 3 more Liberal Supreme Court appointments. How many new rights would be found as the denial of right to self-protection England style came to the United States.
Imagine Gay Marriage being forced by these courts into every state. Imagine the Gay wing of the Democrat Party running the Education Department, the Surgeon Generals office. Imagine the Nambla contingent decriminalizing adult child sex, adult child pornography. Imagine child and animal sex offenders becoming the newest minority group seeking legitimization.
The Trial Lawyers groups need to be paid off for their support. They would be allowed to continue hammering Physicians, Hospitals and the Pharmaceutical Companies even as the suicide bombings make Level 4 trauma centers more necessary. Imagine after driving many, many more physicians out of practice suddenly the bright solution of Socialized Medicine arises. Actually movement in these 2 directions will occur together. Imagine health care rationing, Pharmaceutical companies closing their doors. There will be no research into new meds. The generic companies will only be able to provide drugs that are already in existence.
Imagine the increase in your taxes to support this new social welfare system. Imagine paying triple what you pay now. Imagine the decline in the stock market as companies struggle to make a profit with all the new taxes, the new regulations.
Imagine the passage of the Kyoto Treaty. Imagine $5 a gallon gasoline. Imagine the new burdens on industry trying to reach impossible emission standards.
Imagine a new United Nations tax.
Imagine a 1930's style Depression. Layoffs in the Pharmaceutical industry, Lay off's in manufacturing, lay off's in Restaurants, in Banking, all leisure money activities. A Kerry Presidency can only think the solution is more government spending and will try tax increase after tax increase.
The Teachers Unions will need to be paid off as well. Imagine home schooling being outlawed. Imagine private Christian and Jewish Schools being outlawed. Imagine increased spending on education with the loss of all educational standards as being discriminatory to minorities. Imagine the continued progress of schools being indoctrination centers rather than learning standards.
Imagine the millions of Illegal Aliens being declared citizens of the United States. 8-10 million new Democrat voters overnight.
Imagine the emptying of the prisons. After all most of the people in them are in for discriminatory reasons rather than for committing crimes. Mumia will be pardoned.
Imagine the US military being subverted to service to the United Nations.
How long do you think the United States could stand as a sovereign nation under these circumstances?
We have been blessed by God once more. The right man in a pivotal time in history. Let us be down on our knees in thankfulness to be spared this. Let us make the best use of the opportunity that has been given to us.