Pardon me, but when exactly was farmerman screaming? He was merely pointing out Izzy is guilty of the same over generalization as some of those on the other side. I agree. He has a tremendous hang-up about the US. In my opinion comparing having to buy a license to watch TV with Sandy Hook does a disservice to the victims of Sandy Hook and their families. I personally don't see why McGentrix is worried about what those in the UK are willing to pay for, if those in UK are satisfied with their system, why should he be worried about it? In the scheme of things, it is really no big deal.
Moreover, not all Americans agree with lax gun regulations, Obama and some democrats and independents fought to change the laws after that horrible tragedy and Obama was just sick that not even watching all little children being rushed to safety and then hearing about the deaths, could stand up to the NRA. The polls during that time and others shown people were in favor of the changes Obama and his administration were proposing. The NRA is a powerful group with both republicans and democrats and independents beholding to them or some might even actually support. I am hopeful that will change one day. I consider the gun debate on this thread with this topic a complete red herring.