Quote:Why just scream about what is best and worst why not try to find out why things develope differently in different countries and why people are satisfied with the way it is.
It was not meant at farmerman, but I was agreeing with him about the tone, which is going on here.
2.Why do you have to tell me that not all Americans agree with lax gun regulations.
This is what I told Izzy regarding Americans.
As you did not understand it I will hereby point it out again
I wrote it is just a certain type of Americans. I have hardly ever met them
neither in USA nor in Eurpe.
What I mean with a certain type are the gunloving, intolerancte people.
Also I pointed out they are here in a2k and seem to take up more space than the non gunloving people., which does not mean there more of them. They are just very loud and aggresive
I thought I have clearly enough said my opinion, but it obviously was not clear enough.
Again I have never met in person a gunloving American neither in USA nor in Europe.
Quote:Taking in concideration all the time I have spent in USA and with Americans I would say it is a certain type of Americans. Hardly ever met them in USA or in Europe.
Must admit that here on a2k they seem to take up a lot of space even if they certainly are under represented.