farmerman wrote:silly analogy. of course, then wed have 40000 killed by guns and maybe an additional 200 killed by knives for a total of 40200.
Wrong. If all of those people were killed with knives, we'd have 40,000 killed with knives and zero killed with guns.
farmerman wrote:apparently we define freedom and president very differently.
For the past 2600 years humans have defined freedom as including the right to carry arms.
farmerman wrote:true dat, dead is dead but guns can kill a lot more per episode and at greater standoffs.
That makes little difference when most killings are one-on-one at close range.
farmerman wrote:The gun nutz know this fact real well but still try to foist the silly "A ninjA with a katana could do some damage also." .Its not an argument of "either or"even though you guys try to yank thatcase comparison out of your asses all the time.
That is incorrect. Statistics are very clear that gun availability has little impact on homicide rates.
farmerman wrote:Im cerainly glad that the CDC is gathering gun death information. Kinda hard to deny severity of a problem when facts abound. Whatya think? Why wont you just argue the facts?
I always argue the facts. That's why I always defeat the freedom haters.
farmerman wrote:Theyre professional civil service, and kinda out of his reach. There are limits to power you know. Thats why the EPA has to reach down through political hacks to try to"fire climate scientists".
The president has the power to fire anyone in the executive branch.
farmerman wrote:Besides, the physicians and statisticians who record accident and killings data arent the same staffers who deal with sickness and disease control.
Why are they at the CDC then?
farmerman wrote:I think that A case wherein a physician would be threatened with termination for collecting facts about gun fatalities and injuries (along with all the other fatalities like car wrecks and plane crashes) would be a really hard case with which to prevail in the USSC (even as right loaded as it is) What do you think, try to think in terms of reality not in your stanard bumper sticker style.
You are wrong. The Constitution gives the President absolute power to fire anyone in the executive branch.
farmerman wrote:Nevertheless, If you really dont like knowing the facts about gun (and knife ) fatalities you are hereby invited to stick your fingers into your ears and yell "La La LA La I CANT HEAR YOU"*
I always like knowing the facts. Knowing the facts allows me to defeat freedom haters every time they spout untrue nonsense.
farmerman wrote:*Its an SOP with the gun nutz
That is incorrect. It's SOP with freedom haters.