perhaps you should try that bullshit on someone who gives a **** about your whining.
You and oralloy sound like zealots when you guys define what "MUST" happen before you can enjoy "FREEDOMS", or, on the contrary, WHO are "anti freedom supporters".
Ive never ever denied you guys your rights to think as you will. Try to reciprocate. This aint some Fascist nation yet, so lets not try to make an argument that Fascism equals freedom.
ANYWAY. what the **** does it matter how another country manages its entertainment networks??
Does it really grind your nads tht other folks are happy with their phenotypic regulatory environment? Thats how Georgie Jr got us into a truly stupid incursion into Iraq, (by making up bullshit about "THE WAY THINGS OUGHTA BE" if they didnt have WMDs)