Gautam wrote:urs53 wrote:we will let you now what we think about them ;-)
That is precisly what I am afraid of. I might loose my female fan following !!

You are so right, gautam!
And since it was me, who photographed mostly, you can trust me - "London-meeting-cheese-pub-drinkink-and-Indian-curry-eating-blood-brothers" that we are now!
Seriously, I'm just returned home, and the first I did, was bringing the films to get developed and printed. To have a better quality, I didn't use the 1 hrs service, but will get them tomorrow morning. So you should them (on littlek's site) in about 20 hours or so.
Just adding to all the previously mentioned that this has been for me as well a wonderful evening/night - and some really exciting days later as well.
Thanks to all of you!