Soz and Diane - dahlings !! No, I did not goose the waiters - in the pub there were none and at Bombay Palace, well, I am an epitome of decency. But the primary reason was that I was too engrossed in the charming company I had to pay attention to anyone outside our group, except for a brief moment, when my eyes wandered around the pub, where there were several men who would qualify as eye candy. But we all have our moment of madness yeah ???
Walter, thanks for yr ecard. I notice that the people in the card spell out "a hunk toy" before the Thank you. I believe that this was a reference to me

Like everyone, I am waiting eagerly for the pics - ofcourse you will show them to us first, so that, as I said before, censor !!!
Diane, Can't remember the menu fully but in the pub everyone had beer, except me who continued drinking vodka and tonic. At the Bombay place - KP had chicken cooked with red chillies and onions, I had cottage cheese with cashewnuts cooked in a tomato and onion gravy, Walter had fish (the only mild dish we could find), Steve had lamb, So did McTag - his was cooked with fenugreek (I think) and Fiona and CI were too far away from me to see what they were eating, though by the expression on their faces I could see that they were enjoying the food !! All this polished off by some great wine, beer and vodka. Did not notice the rugsack carried by Walter - but he sure had a
McTag, glad you had a blast. It was lovely meeting you !!
CI hope that the rest of the shows/sightseeing was atleast as pleasurable as meeting us, if not more. Will defi look you up if I am in yr part of the woods !!
Fiona, you lovely woman - finally you made an appearance !!! And thank you for noticing my clothes, it just goes on to prove that (straight) men notice clothes only when the length of the skirt on a woman fails to reach double digits (and in centimeters!!) Thanks for coming and meeting all of us. You fitted right in, not even for one moment it felt like that we are talking to you for the first time. This is more due to yr openess and friendliness than ours !! And yes, I will definately keep Manchester in mind - after all, how can I not lured by the city whose name starts with a "Man's Chest"

Look fwd to seeing more of you on A2K, under yr own name !!!
Margo, pls pls do try and make it to London during this summer - I promise you an evening which you will never forget.
Diane - can't wait for next summers to arrive when you are here. If I am not around, I will fly down back to London to see ya !!!