Okeeeee....while we wait for the pics to arrive !!
The evening started pleasantly, with me turning up late for a party which I arranged - but Mrs and Mr McTag and KP had already made themselves comfortable (by downing a few drinks) in the pub by the time I arrived. Poor CI I think was the first one and he wandered up and down the pub before he could find us (or we found him - since he was the only Japanese man there) and since Walter and Steve arrived last, I did not end up feeling too guilty
Conversation flowed freely, and there was no awkwardness - it was not like we were meeting for the first time, it seemed we knew each other for ages !! And the booze kept coming (which I think prompted the plan to solve all the problems in the world, and then forget it in the pub). We talked abt so many things - ranging from global problems to dating problems, from life in India to life in London (and a few more which I am too decent to describe here - let yr imagination run wild LOL). I was pretty buzzing by the time we left the pub (hey, I had been drinking since afternoon, since India was playing Kenya in the World Cup Semis) - so when McTag proposed that we walk to the curry place - a collective (okay lie), I lone groan went across the table (from yr truly), although I am sure KP was groaning as well

albeit silently (KP how did u manage that ??)
And then it was on to Bombay Palace for a sumptuous meal - I am glad that everyone enjoyed it (I think) - Walter and Steve left a bit early, as they had a train to catch, and the rest of us sta around for some more time laughing our guts out.
A fantastic evening - I feel sorry for all those who missed out on our charming company. Mrs McTag has been convinced to join A2K as well (by a fairly drunken me) I hope she remembers the promise when she gets sober
Mrs and Mr McTag, Walter, Steve, KP, CI - you guyz are lovely. I am so glad that this meet could happen - it was one of the most pleasant and enjoyable evenings which I have had in recent time. Hopefully we will do this again !!
Others-wait for the pics to come out and then you can see for yrself how much fun we had !!
And as for those who wanted to know what I finally wore - a dark blue silk Armani shirt, skin tight blue levis and black boots

I decided I shud go for my non camp look !!!