ehBeth wrote:Just ignore him, cyclo. Life's easier that way.
Great advice ehBeth. That's the primary reason George Bush was re-elected.
cjhsa wrote:Yep, stick your head in the sand and disenfranchise yourself.
You may not like the way CJ said that, but it is precisely what you're doing.
edgarblythe wrote:Republicans are good at diverting attention from real issues, such as homing in on Michael Moore. Strangely, many Democrats let them highjack threads this way. I hope it doesn't happen here.
And you, too, Edgar? Here are some problems with this statement.
A. I'm not a republican. I just voted republican for the first time since 1988. And, I didn't like doing so.
B. I used Michael Moore as an example of what not to do, if you want to be taken seriously. He leads the lunatic fringe of the left, not the left itself.
C. Focusing attention on the religious right, as much of this thread has done, is about as productive shouting at the rain. No change will come from attacking the Republican Base. Ridiculing it will alienate moderates as well as many other free thinkers, who don't think "nuttiness" is inherent in religious beliefs. Failure to recognize this in a country as religious as this, is grounds for irrelevance in itself.
D. Every post I've made has been topic relevant. Your cumulative desire to ignore this fact is indicative of the reason your party is becoming increasingly irrelevant. I
am the 3.5 million people who
chose to give George Bush this victory. Religion, stupidity, ignorance and the rest of the nonsense being peddled here had
nothing to do with
my decision. Failure to recognize this simple truth is the surest path to another failure.
There may well be a need for civil disobedience today
and I'm not pre-programmed to laugh. But; it isn't because John Kerry didn't win. And it isn't because George Bush did. It is because Ralph Nader never stood a chance. But
that train doesn't run on these tracks.
As long as you continue to choose sides based on the traditional 2 party platforms, and attempt to affect change by attacking the same, you will continue in the tradition of Don Quixote to be irrelevant. In the mean time, whichever side is better at reaching the free-thinking demographic (me) will continue to win.