Quote:Do you see any conflict between the first extracted paragraph and the second? I mean, "non-violent means" is oddly juxtaposed with the idea of getting a rifle and learning how to use it. Normally, when someone offers the second bit of advice, someone else jumps in with the Radical Right charge. In any case, the firearms positions of the two presidential candidates just may be the one single issue which made Mr. Kerry completely unacceptable to a significant number of voters.
The two suggestions are completely seperate, and there is no conflict.
In the first, we are discussing the problems of operating a counter-governmental organization (perfectly legal) when there is every indication that the amount of 'secret police' activity will be stepped up to an unprecedented level; the current admin has already begun this infiltration throughout the country in peace and anti-war advocacy group meetings. The stated comments of the ruling party show no desire to retain any right of privacy for any citizen; 'terror' can be used to justify, well, whatever they want it to.
There needs to be a non-violent way of identifying and removing said operatives. I'm hoping that the advent of technology can help this problem, but I need ideas on ways of making it stick.
The second paragraph was a recommendation to all citizens that the time may be coming when a rifle could be extremely useful for defending oneself from tyranny. I specifically said rifle as they are useful in a militia-like atmosphere; handguns really aren't that accurate and are less likely to be used in a defensive posture than rifles.
Quote:Break the law and serve the time. Criminal behavior is not a very good way to voice your opposition to the government. I think you're getting carried away by the rhetoric. The Constitution and the Bill of Rights are not under attack. Governmental checks and balances still make it difficult for any interest group to dominate for more than a very short period.
The process of beginning non-systematic change in the country is a tiered one; certainly you can't just go out on Nov. 3rd and start blowing things up and expect to be taken seriously.
So we do demonstrate. Without a significant but small base of the population (let's say 3 to 7 percent, that's what, 10-15 million people?) supporting the cause, there's little chance that enough change can take place to warrant any extra-legal activities.
There is every chance that the demonstrations will have the desired effect. There is every chance that there will not be enough popular support for the movement to stay alive; that being the case, and being without change in the country, it is time to throw up one's hands and move elsewhere; or accept, which I will not do.
Now, there are many of those who would say that we should 'work within the system'; yet the system cannot be trusted any longer. There is no guarantee possible that the votes which were cast on the electronic voting machines are the same as the ones which were reported, and a significant amount of evidence that the results could have easily been manipulated. Those who question the accuracy of said machines are laughed off as 'conspiracy theorists,' because people don't really
wan't to take a good hard look at the data and see just how easily an election could be manipulated or stolen by a small number of operatives.
Therefore, what is the point of working to elect a candidate who won't win anyways?
Given that I a) do not support the current admin's previous policies, and b) am unlikely to support the future policies, there is little doubt in my mind that the next four years will be something less than satisfying from the position of a concerned citizen.
The impact of this election on our Supreme Court is huge, as well. I really don't expect RoeVWade to survive. I really don't expect there to be any constitutional right to privacy; this one would meld well with the Total information Awareness approach the admin would like to take to comabting terrorism(and the American public in the process).
To recap:
I cannot sit around and watch the US go down the same path we have for the last four years. Some of you will call me alarmist for saying that; That's your right to do so.
I believe the voting system has been comprimised to a great degree. I no longer place faith in the system whatsoever; I'd like to see this change in the future, and would welcome suggestions on how to make this so (but I don't really belive it will).
I believe that those in power would like to maintain the concept of a ruling class vs. a subclass here in America based on economic status. The early reports that I've seen coming out from the Repub's seem to confirm that they wish to exacerbate this situation even further in the next four years.
I would hope that enough people will wake up and realize this on their own; that evidently hasn't happened yet, and we need to be prepared to take action in case it does not.
I'm certainly not trying to be an alarmist, folks; there is every possibility that things will change for the better in the next four years and we (as a society) will not have to resort to such means.
But; being the good boy scout I am, I remember the motto: Always be Prepared! Therefore; it would be better to be ready to enact changes and not have to, then to need them and not have an organization ready to enact them.
We will do what has to be done to save this country, one way or the other.