Quit jacking my thread, jerks.
To begin with, Cyclops is a
he, not a
If you want to crow about your victory, Republicans, feel free to do so in the threads that are provided for said purpose. Democrats who want to cry about defeat are welcome to do the same.
Bill, I never claimed to be superior to anyone or 'not needing' to respond to certain people in the fashion in which you do. Therefore, my claim for you to 'get over yourself' and your ridicule of my phrase
Quote:The rise of the Republican party, and the rise of electronic voting, are not coincidences in my mind.
Are two completely different issues. But I'm sure you knew that.
Now, back to the topic of the thread:
What are the steps that need to be taken to set up such an enterprise? I'm going to list off some issues I've been thinking about, and anyone who has ideas, I'd sure love to hear them.
1. One of the traditional problems with protest movements has been a lack of a unified voice; the peaceful protestors get mixed up with the violent ones, the crazies get lumped in with the logical discourse.... We need numbers and therefore cannot be extremely selective, but there has to be some process of control, so as to avoid the extreme nutjobs from leeching legitimacy from the actual complaints. Any thoughts?
2. We need methods of communication that are at least partially immune to government suppression. I've got a lot of technological ideas on this one, but I'd really like to see a low-tech solution to local messaging between members without resorting to computer use (too easy to cut the lines on us). Sort of a 21st-century smoke signal?
3. There has been evidence in the last four years that public outcry and pressure
has influenced the decisions the Bush admin has made; the complete 180 on the 9-11 commission is a good example of this. That being the case, there needs to be a way to
organize people so that their collective problems with the admin's policies are too loud to be ignored.
I've been reading a lot about the formation of the civil rights movement and how they organized very efficiently in many different locations. Perhaps we can do the same? The internet becomes a great asset in this case, both in terms of organization, and in terms of publicity for the events. If anyone knows/would like to contribute knowledge, that would help.
4. We need to have clear positions. One of the factors which hurt Kerry in this last election (besides the rigged voting machines) was his inability to break complicated positions down into clear soundbites. The president is great at this, mostly because he does it the easy way; just turn every complicated issue into a simple moral one, and boom! Tons of idiotic Xian sheep on your side.
Like it or not, we are going to have to figure this tactic out. Many of us rail at the thought of reducing complicated issues of foreign and domestic policies into sound-bytes, but it has become apparent that this will be neccessary to motivate the vast amounts of people out there who are either too busy or too stupid to actually research for themselves.
We could really use the services of a linguist or debater on this one, if anyone can offer. I know some of you Democrats out there are cunning linguists and master debaters.
5. Some sort of web presence will be
neccessary for the enterprise to succeed. I have tons of experience
using the web and precious little in
running the web; definately assistance will be required on this one.
From a security point of view, any ideas? I have lately thought of using Freenet - freenet.sourceforge.net - but I'd like to get the opinions of others.
Ya know what I'd really love? To find a group who is already way on top of this. I'm going to a few meetings this week (Democracy for America, Move On, etc) where I intend to discuss and see what people think.
I am NOT content to wait four years for change! We need to be working on this NOW. Take a lesson from the Republicans, get off of your ass, and get organized! We could make significant Senate gains in two years, pressure the government into adopting more moderate policies, and maybe - just maybe - energize enough citizens to take a stand against those who would style themselves our moral and economic betters.
We're going to change this nation one way or the other.
P.S. Though I'm sure there will be many more people taking this thread in the wrong direction, saying, well, whatever kind of personal attacks they like about me, I'll quote you from my first post:
Quote:A pre-emptive f*ck you to the nay-sayers.
Remember Ghandi:
First they Ignore you
Then they Ridicule you
Then they Fight you
Then you Win