cannot quite see, eh? pity.......
Good thing, once you go there, you can never go home to momma!
Many of uz nevrrr melt and even morrrr nevrrrr frget, yez.
nein, i vuld not try to trick uz wimin wiz a smile. i do not like zmile. it distortz z face, yez. and get yor refolutionairies in order, zey march in z opozit direkcion zey should be!
shuld not zey go zis vay?
I forget where we were going....
ahhh, nemmind, too late to even think. i should have been asleep hours ago. but it is mildly entertaining to see similar paitingts but have the painted persons marching in the opposite directions. see, that's the only way how i can survive museum visits - imagine interactions between paintings. if these two groups have met, they must have had a disagreement or got confused. ok, off to bed for me, before i will shame my name beyond repair with nonsense.
...the other group being pueo's avatar, right, right.
Heehee - nonsense is no shame here!
the evil wimmins are multiplying, well in any case there's more of them. (since it's a known fact that wimmin can't do anything more than basic math)
off to find the evil wimmins thread
WHERE are we multiplying? You mean dagmar? She is more than a single wimmin's worth! heehee
Hee, hee, pueo, the wimmins are multiplying just for you. The evil wimmin's thread is right here, cackle, cackle......
So wither'd and so wild in their attire,
That look not like the inhabitants o' the earth,
And yet are on't? Live you? or are you aught
That man may question? You seem to understand me,
By each at once her chappy finger laying
Upon her skinny lips: you should be women,
yet........(he he- titters are heard off stage)
Isn't it bad luck to quote Macbeth?
Widdershins 3 times around whatever building you are in for you, me boy!