With them greasy palms, the money slips right out of their hands and into the executives' pockets...
PD, The amount they get away with will not fit into their pockets. They need a truck.

Hmmmmmmm. Compromise -- cargo pants?
Surely they needed trucks in the 80s, when parachute pants were the thing, but times, like many of those who wore the parachute pants, have gone baggier now...
Thats where Debs matte palms are stuffed - in the cargo pants!
Ozlanders stuff cargo pants, don't they?
I'm not sure if any particular class of people stuff their pants. I think it's just more of an insecurity thing.
We canines have no worry, they're just dangling all the time!
Where I dangle has nowt to do wiv me pants - and there is, believe me, NO stuffing involved in any dangleage!
ehbeth, what stroke is that I'm doing ? :wink:
You are just keeping afloat - however, it looks like a backwards breast-stroke.
My favourite stroke how could she possibly know ?
Hmmmm - breast stroke - male - how could she POSSIBLY know......hmmmmmmmm......?