Kelvin means to me that big jackass who held out with Edison for direct current, an' told all those horseshite stories about the dangers of alternating current. We wouldn't be here without alternating current . . .
We wouldn't?
Hmmm - there is a tide in the affairs of that what you mean?
I htought we were supposed to swim against the currant when spawning - though what one little currant can do against us I have no idea...
hmmmm - damn quickly quipped Setanta old bean...
A maiden, whose name was Felicity
Tried living without electricity:
By propane she cooks
And by oil-lamp reads books
And forbids watching telly explicitly
oooh, very nice.
They brand Felicity eccentric
For eschewing all things electric
Her showers are cold
And her frig filled with mold
But she saves on her bills -- that's her trick.
Mr. Clemens has some quite hilarious pieces on lightening rods and burglar alarm systems . . . i especially enjoyed his passage about the conversations he had with burglars regarding the merits of the various systems he installed . . .
Hmm. I had no idea Roger Clemens was a writer.
Maxsdadeo tried that one on me, too, Patiodog. I would think you would keep better company.
I'd think you'd quote more authors.
I only quote for dramatic effect, or for humor. As i noted elsewhere, when the subject is serious, i disagree with using a quote, unless it supports the details of one's opinion which one is willing to set out plainly.
I only support the use of a quote when memory creatively rearranges the wording and dampens its effect. This is what I call originality.
(tee hee hee hee hee)
PD, You made my day! I've been doing exactly that all of my life. I'm "original!" c.i.
Works for me. (An' if I jumble it badly enough, I can pass it off as my own.)
So - which Clemens WERE you referring to, Setanta -Samuel? I am all at sea - a bad place to be around electricity, as Moondoggy can attest from his voyage on a cat...
Edited to obscure blatant evidence of posting incompetence.
I'm sure the cat was none too thrilled, either . . . when i speak of Clemens, i am always referring to Samuel. Baseball is a wonderful sport to participate in, and a marvelous sedative when one is a spectator. I am as likely to quote a baseball player as i am to praise George Bush.