There are already a ton of lawsuits being filed. This is what I posted on another thread:
There is a push to print 900,000 ballots for the election in a city where the total population of Milwaukee is: 596,974 in 2000 and 593,920 in 2004 The total number of people who are of legal voting age in Milwaukee in 2004: 423,811
Total votes cast in 2000 fall election: 245,670 Total votes cast in 2002 fall election: 141,351 (pre-registration of 335,889)
The conspiracy theory comes to play when you take into account an eye witness that claims to have observed voter registration fraud:
Quote:On his 10/5/04 Late Afternoon Show, Mark Belling, talk show host on Newstalk 1130 WISN, conducted a chilling interview of a woman, "Katie," who had witnessed blatant complicity by the City of Milwaukee Election Commission in WISCONSIN DEMOCRAT ELECTION FRAUD.
Belling's interviewee said that she overheard a city of Milwaukee election official encourage a registration operative to FORGE signatures on voter registration applications.
"Katie" related that on or about 10/4/04, she was in the office of the Milwaukee Election Commission. In walked an operative carrying a stack of voter registration applications, asking to file these forms. The applications were not signed by the person who had solicited them.
Katie said that an election commission clerk suggested to the operative just FORGE THE SIGNATURE of the person who had solicited the applications.
Belling also had this to say:
Quote:An outfit called the "New Voter Project" claims to be nonpartisan but is being bankrolled and staffed by leftists. The organization is already active in Wisconsin and already involved in trouble. Thousands of "voters" registered by this group in the last few weeks have submitted registration forms without the legally required proof of identification. This has forced village and city clerks all over the region to send out notices asking for the information.
Virtually none of the forms sent out by the local clerks to the shady registrants have been responded to. The only plausible explanation for that is that the "voters" not only aren't voters but aren't real people, either.
Here's the method to the New Voter Project madness. In Wisconsin, you can register to vote at the polls on Election Day. You have to produce identification when you register. But sending in a phony registration in advance puts you on the voter list before the election. Already-registered voters don't have to show any identification. By putting perhaps thousands of fake names on the voter lists, it will be possible for fraudsters to show up at the polls and simply claim to be the person who was already "registered."
One former employee of the New Voter Project has told me that many staffers simply took names out of the telephone book to fill out their daily quotas. He quit his job in fear there'd be a criminal investigation.
Now, the New Voter Project is turning in thousands of dubious voter registration forms and the organization is run by a woman who has already been linked to election fraud. Bush better get 52 percent of the actual vote in Wisconsin because at least 2 percent of the Kerry vote is going to come from cheaters.
Now why would there need to be so many ballots in a city that onty has 423,811 people of legal voting age? Eric Holder, a former Clinton Justice Department official who is now on the Democratic party's "Election Task Force," stated: "If every vote is allowed to be cast, and if every vote is counted, John Kerry will be president within a day of that election."
The idea is that New Voter Project is making all of these faulty voter registrations and will simply show up at the polls and ask for a provisional ballot. You don't need an id to vote provisional (You are supposed to prove your identity at a later date). But the democrats will simply file law suits to make sure that every vote is counted no matter if identity is proved or not. There is nothing stopping them from traveling from district to district and casting as many votes as they possibly can. In a close state like Wisconsin a few thousand votes will make all of the difference. They have already begun the process in Ohio.
My guess is once all the votes have been counted in Wisconsin... if it is close enough to be worth contesting, the loser, no matter what party it is will file lawsuits. Democrats will claim voter suppression becasue the Republicans are contesting registrations. If Kerry wins the republicans will file lawsuits claiming voter fraud. I am really expecting the worse here.