What he means by sociable is 'friendly terms'. That could be anything from texting to hanging out, but he definitely doesn't mean FWB.
The problem is, every time I mention us giving things back (I have a valuable item of his, too), he reiterates that he has nothing to say to me and that meeting to give things back is exactly that- just giving things back. And has been very flaky for over two months in regards to meeting me so that we CAN give things back and truly move on. I just keep getting 'I'm busy', or 'there's no rush'.
It's quite confusing as I'm getting mixed signals at this point. I get the impression that if I DID do what yourself and @Jespah suggested, it is not going to go down well considering he doesn't want to talk to me. Right now, based on my ex's behaviour, going directly to him to get my stuff and tell him how I feel doesn't feel like a good idea. At least not just yet anyway.
I can't really read the waters right now. I do honestly believe, especially given my ex's nature, I have to leave this situation alone for a while. Let things cool down. It's been a while already but he is the type who takes a while to gather his thoughts/feelings. Plus, we have never really not been in contact for longer than 3 weeks, in 4 years (a couple of years ago when we separated the first time, I initiated no contact- after 3 weeks it was him who contacted me). That was the longest time we didn't communicate. Usually it's a matter of days.
He did say to me that he isn't mad at me or holds any ill-will, I just think he needs breathing time to assess and digest.
I love him enough to be patient. It's not really going to make any difference to me one way or another. I am continuing to work on myself regardless.