maxdancona wrote:
1. It is accepted as fact that the Twin Towers were brought down by explosives that were carefully placed before the morning of 9/11.
This is absurd. It suggests that security turned a blind eye or never noticed any activity out if place.
It suggests a team of explosive planters were callous to the idea innocent people were going to die?
It suggests the government is capable of carrying out a black ops plan without any rats coming out to blow the operation? The government can't even tie its shoes without someone objecting.
We even have whistle blowers on the attempt to bend the US laws to support an Iraq invasion. Why no whistle blowers on an explosive planting?
Is it at all possible the "explosions" are a natural result of pressure built up in a simultaneous collapse? Meaning a collapse happens prior to outside visual ques which created pressure in the stair wells looking for weak points causing window blow outs? Any possibility at all? No?
maxdancona wrote:
2. It is accepted as fact that the link to Al Qaeda (or any other Islamic terror group) was made up by the real perpetrators.
They were extremists bent on revenge for the US involvement in the middle East. Its irrelevant if they belonged to any group. They sought justice for injustice.
maxdancona wrote:
1. Did airplanes actually fly into the Twin Towers?
Yes. I have a friend who was living in the city and witnessed the planes first handedly.
maxdancona wrote:
2. Were the planes actually hi-jacked by Atta and crew?
Yes, I have friends of friends who lost family members who were on those flights.
maxdancona wrote:
3. Was the shell-shocked look on President Bush's face an act? Did he know what was about to happen before hand?
He deserves an Oscar if he was pretending. I doubt he was pretending.
maxdancona wrote:
I am also going to want to know more about who was really behind it, and what the motives were.
Is it at all possible, even remotely possible that it was just a retaliation toward the US for its support for Israel against Palestine? Any possibilities st all? No? None?
maxdancona wrote:
I am really hoping to gain an understanding of the conspiracy theories.
I'll admit the US track record for being secretive lends itself room for conspiracies. But there are just too many factors that conspiracy nuts leave out that would need to be in place which are not.