Wed 27 Oct, 2004 06:47 pm
Has anyone had this done before need some advice book in for next week but very scared about it any suggestions. Want to cncel appointment due to pain factor Help Please
I have never had one, but....I did wax my bf's ahem, area.....that is untill he couldn't take the pain anymore! Me personally would never ever do it, i'd rather shave everyday if I had to rather then go through that....ouch!
It's up to you, bjj, but personally I think that if the goddess wanted us to be smooth as a baby's bottom in that spot, she would have created us that way! :wink:
Grow your hair out for at least 2 weeks after your last shave to ensure that it comes off smoothly and swiftly.
A soft supple surface to work on makes the pain go away quicker so make sure the waxer uses baby powder before putting the wax to it.
The tweezing clean-up is optional - we found this out after the fact.
Never pay more than $45 for the treatment.
You are sore the next day so be prepared to put off any coochie touching for a good 24 hours.
It lasts for about 3 weeks, during which your skin is smooth as butter, your ass never looked so good, and the easy access will make you wiggle in your seat.
Don't be shy - expect to be spread apart, legs aloft, and fully exposed to the female waxing expert - her job is to get up in there and remove every last hair so you can truly shine through.
more about the Brazilian Bikini Wax
i have also heard that it is alot more painful near your periods is this true also
I have heard that any waxing hurts more when you get it done around that time yes.
msolga wrote:It's up to you, bjj, but personally I think that if the goddess wanted us to be smooth as a baby's bottom in that spot, she would have created us that way! :wink:
DAMN RIGHT, msolga!
Trimming is nice, but waxing it all off is just...unnatural. A woman is not supposed to look like a prepubescent child.
mmmm - the thing about letting it grow 2 weeks after shaving - part of the message there is that it does need to be fairly short before you go for the wax - so think about how long 2 weeks of growth is, and make sure it's about that length
is the pain worth the way it feels after? that's definitely a personal decision. I'm probably not a great judge, since I didn't find getting tattooed was painful. Annoying, perhaps, but not painful.
Like I said, it's up to you .....
shaving stubble isn't like waxing stubble
shaving stubble is, well, stubblier
Every time I do a poll on this, I hear "it's painful but deal with it." A lot of people say it's not as bad as they thought ....but bad. Some people get extremely red for days.
I have never done this, but have thought about doing it before the wedding (a week before).
I will not try it unless I use a recommended LMX topical anesthetic. It's OTC. ...just have someone else drive you if use take it.
Why not have the hairs removed via laser?
It's painless and lasts for up to 10 years. No more
shaving and red bumps for me.
i didnt realise that they would do ilaser "down their"
Yes they do. Pubic hair is actually better to zap
with a laser than facial hair, as it is more coarse and
therefore easier to burn off with the laser.
Lasers to remove pubic hair? Why, why oh why? Why not learn to LOVE your pubic hair instead? It's natural & normal for grown-up women. <sigh>
Who said, I removed it all?
Just enough so I can wear a bathing suit comfortable
without any hairs showing. It beats shaving any day.
My best friend had ALL of her hair removed. It took 6 treatments (going back) for her hair to be completely gone (most people have to come back several times b/c there are hairs they don't get or miss). She said it hurt like hell .....way more than any of her tattoos, but worth it in the end.
msolga - i don't think it's any different than waxing/shaving/lasering eyebrows, legs, whatever hair. you either like the hair, or you don't.
Or maybe you just like it in a different shape, or under control. It's hair. <shrug>