Sun 27 Oct, 2002 11:17 am
HA! HA! HA! Made you laugh -- actually from my friend Carl in Ft. Lauderdale. You wouldn't believe some of the things he sends me that I'm hesitant to share! He once had his yacht docked out on the marina adjacent to my art gallery and we had some great times -- the only one on the bay that would fly the rainbow flag when he had a party, just to shake up all those Newport Beach conservative wackos.
The animation or the rainbow flag trick -- actually, plastic people don't know one flag from another!
they asked me for a password which i could not supply
I was asked for a password as well, brahmin.
What's the title/date at consumptionjunction? I get asked for a password.
Could THAT be the joke? Am I missing something? I keep not getting jokes lately.
I get the page cannot be found.
Well, I changed it to:
enteredmy birthdate and entered.
From there one can click on Vid's from the drop down menu at the top.
But, I have no idea which one...
You're not paying attention, folks--LW posted this more than two and a half years ago . . . i seriously doubt that the page is still available, and even if it is, its probably in a member's archive.
brahmin wrote:they asked me for a password which i could not supply

Here's the genius who revived the thread!
nothin like a lil unresolved monday morning titilation
Hey, dog of the moon. Where you been, but you're right. Everyone wants to see what is forbidden.
hey letty, i've been writing theses and fings
how is ya?
My word, child. You've gone all academic on us. Still sailing? Well, we might as well turn this in to an adult conversation. Obviously Mr. Wizard doesn't give a whatever.