@Finn dAbuzz,
Quote: but on the other it should focus on us as social animals.
Violence is an elemental force or life.
Hawks kill and first devour the internal organs of cute bunnies.
Wolves drag down and eat alive noble elk.
You do understand what "That's a real stretch" means, don't you, Finn?
Humans, that would be the USA largely, determined what the legal/moral considerations can be for countries to "go to war". These are to be found in the Nuremberg/Tokyo War Crimes Tribunals.
There were no provisions for "humans channeling their wolf/hawk/eagle ancestors".
Illegal invasions are war crimes - period. The USA has illegally invaded over 70 times since WWII, it has therefor committed myriad war crimes, not only for the initial illegal act but because all the evil that follows from that first paramount war crime is encompassed within it.