Thats typical "reverse scientific methodology". Its very similr to Trump's assertions that he was "bugged " by Obama. He sys something nd were supposed to accept it as fact nd go find something to support that its Not true.
Why do you truthers ignore ll the rel science about the **** you shout out??
When they did the thermite study at Sandia and UNM, they discovered that nanothermite qnd thermite burns too damn slowly to even propogate a melt unless the structure is severely weakened (presumably by cutting).
When th WTC was bombed in 1993. they found Taggants (unique to our blasting , mining, and demo industries) all over. You claim that thermite was used nd explosives. QHERE ere the taggants. You guys claim that the l2)3 and FeO and Fylite "melt" is enough to convince you. That is totl crap.
Steve Jones was the first to sample and chemically analyze some structural steel that he said was cut with thermite. YET, when asked about his own chain-of-custody -data, he refused to share any of thqt. Chemical sampling nd forensic analyses is mature science in which ALL SIDES of the case in point get to share the data (We call it ll discoverable)> WHY would n honest scientist deny such important QA evidence tht would easily support of deny his assertions. HMMM?
When you said back few pages that you NEVER heard of Steve Jones, I sorta suspected that you were lying , mostly because he has been severely criticized and debunked qs a well degreed and published HACK SCIENTIST who has been behind much of the continuation of most of this "TRUTHER" garbage for almost 15 years. JTT published a bio of some truther scientist on another thread. I hve no idea what someones credentials from pst reseqrch hs any beqring upon a career path that deviates strongly from those publications.