The Physics of 911

Reply Mon 27 Jul, 2020 10:38 pm
And yet building 7 also fell down exactly the same way, into its own exact footprint, exactly like a controlled demolition, falling with out any resistance from the in tact building structure. No plane hit that building. So its interesting that on that day, all 3 buildings, and only those that were owned by the same man, all fell down without offering any resistance at all, into their own footprints, reduced totally to rubble, in exactly the same way that a very carefully planed demolition occurs, and the experts could not have done a better job of it on purpose. Very lucky that is.
Plus although MANY other steel framed buildings have experienced worse fires for longer, and even being crashed into by planes, NONE have ever just collapsed, ever.
Nothing suspicious here, move along, right?
And HUNDREDS of reports including live TV news recordings, were obtained testifying that MULTIPLE explosions occurred in each building.
Your "collapsing because of the falling mass" theory is called the pancake hypothesis, which has been thoroughly debunked and no one ever claims that is the cause anymore.
If you really think that this event was caused by terrorists acting alone then you are either a delusional fool, or a Zionist Elitist, globalist nut case.

Reply Tue 28 Jul, 2020 04:47 am
A classic Jewish stocktake.
0 Replies
mark noble
Reply Wed 29 Jul, 2020 06:37 am
You are accurate in your 9/11 judgements - But an absolute 'Biirm' in others'

Have you tended unto 'Dyatlov pass', yet?

Done & dusted, btw.

Have a 'getting there' slowly - Kinda day.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 29 Jul, 2020 09:53 pm
Given that none of your statements is true it is hard to know where to start so the hell with it I will just give one of the links to real investigations and conclusions by real experts.


JOM is a technical journal devoted to exploring the many aspects of materials, science and engineering published monthly by The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) (a member-based professional society).[1] JOM reports scholarly work that explores the many aspects of materials science and engineering within the broad topical areas of light metals, structural materials, functional materials, extraction and processing, and materials processing and manufacturing. JOM strives to balance the interests of the laboratory and the marketplace by reporting academic, industrial, and government-sponsored work from around the world.

From 1949 through 1988, the journal was named Journal of Metals. With materials systems becoming commonplace and with the journal frequently covering composites, plastics, and other materials, its name was changed to JOM. It is published by TMS, which is headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.[2]

^ "JOM-Springer". Springer Science+Business Media. Retrieved 9 May 2017.
^ Charles R. Lord (1 January 2000). Guide to Information Sources in Engineering. Libraries Unlimited. p. 83. ISBN 978-1-56308-699-1. Retrieved 26 December 2015.
External links[edit]
JOM home page
Reply Wed 29 Jul, 2020 11:31 pm
Big deal. The same guys that were able to organize the demolition of these buildings, the deep state of the government, of course control any number of "scientific" institutions that will say whatever they are told. like NIST for example.
Get a brain will you? You are so very willing to swallow whatever your corrupt government dishes up to you, and you manage to put any chance of dissenting thoughts behind you.

If you critically look at all the evidence, and not only the filtered and massaged "evidence" packaged by the government, then you can only conclude that the building were demolished, with one of the goals being the establishment of a perpetual state of a "war on terrorism", along with the hundreds of new liberty destroying restrictions placed on the people.

If you think that all is well in the world, in the good old USA, then you are either a MORON, or a Zionist paid shill.
Its one or the other, I don't know what is worse.
Reply Thu 30 Jul, 2020 02:38 am
LOL so the government who can not keep a secret of almost any kind somehow talk hundreds of engineers and other specialists from many nations to lied over the reasons of two buildings collapsing?

Did you even hear of the of concept of Occam razor?

This philosophical razor advocates that when presented with competing hypotheses about the same prediction, one should select the solution with the fewest assumptions.

Yes we went to the moon and the twin towers collapses is due to two planes hitting them at a few hundreds of miles an hour.

An the world happen not to be flat.
Reply Thu 30 Jul, 2020 02:54 am
LOL so the government who can not keep a secret of almost any kind...

The Tuskagee "experiment" went on for forty ******* years, mate, without letting the cat out of the bag.
Reply Thu 30 Jul, 2020 03:18 am
Builder wrote:

LOL so the government who can not keep a secret of almost any kind...

The Tuskagee "experiment" went on for forty ******* years, mate, without letting the cat out of the bag.

Due the fact that no one gave a **** about low level blacks medical subjects any more then they would care about any other lab animals at the time. As soon as the society change in that regard the secret came out.

Lot of people care about the twin towers however even those personally I never care for them due to the leveling of the shops that once made up the so call NY radio row to build them.
mark noble
Reply Thu 30 Jul, 2020 07:01 am
Your 'Reality' is based on 'Your' life experiences and designated projections and expectations therewith/of & after - As are Everyones.

You appear to be someone who believes & trusts 'Established' narratives, unquestioningly.

Some Others Do Not.

I am one of those 'Others'.

Everyones' Reality is perceived via alternate experience/s, though many (Culturally-indoctrinates) share similar 'perceived' 'realities' - None are 'Exact' in every fashion.

Society (Global) is an orchestration - Many players, many Stages, Many Acts.

I 'absolutely' adore variants (Spice of life) in the Acception/Deception continuum - And give not a hoot for its outcome.

Have a Lovely Day, Bill
Reply Thu 30 Jul, 2020 01:08 pm
when 100% of the top leaders in ALL governments, China, Russia, UK, Germany, France, Canada,,,, etc, are zionists or zionist puppets, when Zionists own all the mass media, NIST, the top controllers of Universities, ALL top corporations, WHO, UN, CIA, NSA, FEMA, CDC, then its not hard to carry on with your plans and have seemingly solid support.

But really, you choose to believe these proven liars, over the plain simple facts that you can witness with your own eyes.
No buildings fall down like that, no matter what.
Occam's razor suggests that it was an inside job. The chances that all the hundreds of weird coincidences just all happened to occur with perfect timing on that one day are billions to one against.

No, you are a shill or a moron.

"Waking up" starts for some with the realization that 6 million were not gassed by the Germans in WW2.

Not 5 million, 3 million 1 million or even 300 thousand.
Its the first really gross lie of the Jews.
Russian Bolshevik Jews "found" those camps, and began the stories of how evil the German's were.
Most of the jury in the Nuremberg trial were Jews.

The one thing you can say about WW2 is that good men from "allied" countries destroyed the wrong enemy.

And now look at the USA, is it doing well? Its a **** hole, being anally raped by Israel. Same with all European countries.

Reply Thu 30 Jul, 2020 08:50 pm
So we back to the good old fashion nonsense of beginning Antisemitism?
Reply Thu 30 Jul, 2020 08:53 pm
@mark noble,
You appear to be someone who believes & trusts 'Established' narratives, unquestioningly.

No I am a firm believer in logic and Occam razor along with the facts just to start with.
Reply Thu 30 Jul, 2020 08:57 pm
I'm anti pedophilia, anti corporate governance, anti slavery, anti racial superiority, and so naturally, I am anti Judaism, anti Zionism, anti globalist, anti elitist.
These are all the same thing. Call it "anti antisemitism" if you want to be ignorant. But this is an incorrect term, as I'm 100% for the Palestinians (Semites).
If you are against a person who opposes these things, then you are supporting filth, child exploitation, corruption, and oppression.
I guess you are a dirty member of the genocidal Jewish Master race cult.
I know who's side I am proud to stand on.
Reply Thu 30 Jul, 2020 09:03 pm
You don't possess any "facts" . You only have Propaganda and deceptions which your weak 'logic" has assumed to be facts.
Wake up, you have been fooled by people smarter than you. (actually they abuse trust and feed you nothing but endless deceptions, lies and half truths.)
Everything you think you know is a lie.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 30 Jul, 2020 09:30 pm
So six millions men women and children killed in gas chambers for being Jewish was not good enough for you and you wish to complete the job?
Reply Fri 31 Jul, 2020 01:10 am
Well you can't READ, or comprehend. get your Mum to read this for you from my earlier post.
"Not 6 million, Not 5 million, 3 million 1 million or even 300 thousand."
Its the first really gross lie of the Jews.

How many Jews were actually "Gassed" in extermination camps?

NONE were gassed, because there were no gas chambers.

These camps were LABOUR camps, surrounded by dozens of factories, in which ALL the inmates worked to help the war effort.
As the only saying goes, "3 million Jews were in German controlled countries in the war, of that, 6 million were gassed, but 4 million escaped"
Actually about a maximum of 300 thousand Jews died during the whole war, and a large majority of them was because of Typhoid, which also killed many thousands of civilians and soldiers on both sides.

Hitler actually put thousands of Jews and their families along with their money, onto German ships and took them EXACTLY where that wanted to go, their holy land Palestine. It was a deal between Hitler and Churchill, another Jew puppet. (Palestine was under English rule)

Jew population according to the Jew's own census immediately before the war, 15 million worldwide, and after the war, a bit more than 15 million. yet 6 million were gassed? Wow they breed fast in captivity.

Who "discovered" all those camps and showed the western allies? Well that would be the Stalin led Bolshevik Jew Russians, who massacred over 25 million inside their own country, yes we can trust Stalin, seems like a nice bloke.
How stupid and naive are you?

Your trouble is still that you BELIEVE whatever comes across your Jew owned TV, Movie or News paper. You have not one shred of critical review capability, or even the thought processes to analyse anything, its all spoon fed to you.

Those photos of skeletal bodies? Well the ones in camps were typhoid victims, but other famous images were actually photos of mounds of German civilians killed by Churchill in the fire bombing of Dresden, a city that did not have key military targets. 100,000 were incinerated in three nights of bombing. Thus was a war crime. So were the open air fenced corrals where tens of thousands of captured Germans had to live in the mud for months without medical assistance, not much food, and no shelter. courtesy of your traitor Eisenhower.
(guilty of war crimes)
When General Patton took control of Berlin, after surveying the situation, he exclaimed, "We defeated the wrong enemy!". Patton was murdered by the jews shortly after.

ALL your "knowledge" of WW2 comes from Jew movies, jew political puppets and flat out lying Jews such as those in Spielberg's (a jew) movie "The Last Days". Jews lie for money, they have no morals. the 5 "victims" featured have all been proved as liars.

Meanwhile, while western countries are told they MUST race mix with blacks, the Jews in Israel forbid inter racial marriage, to keep Jews racially pure, (because they are racially superior) and are actively engaged in the REAL genocide of the Palestinian people, whose lands they have stolen. But you don't care. You are a jew slave now, and you love and protect your masters. These actions of Jews today are EXACTLY what they claim Hitler was doing to them! Hitler wanted to ship jews out of Germany, and preferably out of Europe, and he did exactly that. Over the ages, over 100 countries have packed up Jews and forced them too leave. Why? because Jews keep infiltrating all branches of society, government and trying to control everybody.

Have a look at the map of Israeli territory in Palestine from 1949 till today...

But you probably cant be bothered, thinking is not one of your strong points.

Reply Fri 31 Jul, 2020 03:50 am
Having met survivals of the holocaust with one old woman who as a young child lost her whole family and a large numbers of others who was living in her small village I have problem with your nonsense,

In Germany and many other European nations you could be sentence to prison for promoting the idea that millions of mainly Jews was not killed in gas chambers and by other means an while I am a believer in freedoms of speech your speech is sickening indeed.

This or any other website does not have an obligation to host your sickness so I am asking that the owners of this site removed your posts and yourself.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 31 Jul, 2020 02:11 pm
Going to be very interesting to see how far into the sewer of race and religion bigotry up to not just any anti semitic but a super anti semitic who even denial the murder of six millions Jews, so is Robert going to allow this website to become the next storm front or not?

Reply Fri 31 Jul, 2020 05:03 pm
Please provide evidence that 6 million Jews were killed by the Germans mostly by Gassing.

Please provide evidence that there were even 6 million Jews living in the occupied territories, that could have been captured by the Germans.

Please provide a reason why we should believe the Jews story about WW2 when there is plenty of evidence that their claims are fictitious.

Please provide some reason why I'm not allowed to question their claims.

And stop your pathetic jew like whining.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 31 Jul, 2020 05:30 pm
I would think that Robert should consider this well known sentence.
"In a world of despotism and tyranny, telling the truth becomes a criminal offence".

"Lies are truth", "war is peace", "submission is freedom"- The Ministry of Truth.

And I don't need to be a "super anti semite" to doubt the 6million. I just need to be able to count and think.
Also, I've told you, but you chose to ignore it, I am 100% in support the Semites in Palestine, so stop claiming I am anti-semite.
I'm anti Judaism, anti-pedophiles, and especially anti anyone who wishes to genocide my race. That would be Zionism, globalism, elitists.

So stop your whining. Present some evidence. Hear-say is not evidence.
0 Replies

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