Hi everyone - I'm looking for advice...
My ex broke up with me over 2.5 years ago, he was cheating - I caught him -and he dumped me. After that he talked me into staying friends with him for about a year or so after....
Long story short I realize that my self esteem while dating him and while being talked into being a friend was very low...and then I met a new guy who made me feel like a new person! I realized that I could no longer keep ties with my ex as he was a bad person in my life....so I told him very firmly that I did not wish to continue being in contact. I was very honest with what I said and in no way was I rude. Just firm.
He backed off for about 3 months...then the texts and calls started up again. About every other day I will receive 3 or 4 calls from him. I finally told him that I was going to block him because he could not respect my wishes, and to not attempt contact again. I did....then I started receiving 3 or 4 calls from an Unknown ID. He leaves messages acting like I never said any of this to him.
I also receive emails from him saying that he is "concerned" about me and that my "Friends are leading me astray" and that we should "grab coffee".... Its upsetting me so much. I ignored every message for a about 6 months....but when he left me a message saying he was moving near where I lived I caved in and emailed him that I now consider this harassment and that any further contact after this will be documented and handed to authorities.
So my question is....should I actually contact authorities? I feel like it isn't enough for me to open a case but I jut don't know how to make him leave me alone!! I mean he broke it off with me to begin with and now he just won't let me be!!
Any advice would be helpful