Just FYI Armyvet 35, France provided a LOT more than 350 troops.
Here is a breakdown of the troop contributions of various nations during the first Gulf War:
Afghanistan: 300 mujahedin troops
Argentina: 1 destroyer, 1 corvette, 2 air force transport planes
Australia: 1 guided-missle destroyer, 1 frigate, 1 supply ship, 2 surgical teams
Bahrain: 3,000 troops
Bangladesh: 6,000 troops
Belgium: 1 frigate, 2 minesweepers, 2 landing ships, 1 supply ship, 6 C-130 transport planes
Canada: 2 destroyers, 1 supply ship, 12 C-130 transport planes, 24 CF-18 bombers
Czechoslovakia: 200 chemical-warfare specialists
Denmark: 1 corvette
Egypt: 40,000 troops, including 2 armored divisions and 5,000 Special Forces paratroopers
France: 18,000 troops, 60 combat aircraft, 120 helicopters, 40 tanks, 100 armored vehicles, 1 missile cruiser, 3 destroyers, 4 frigates Greece: 1 frigate
Hungary: 40 medical personnel
Honduras: 150 troops
Italy: 2 corvettes, 3 frigates, 1 supply ship, 4 minesweepers, 10 Tornado ground attack aircraft
Japan: medical personnel and supplies
Kuwait: 11,000 troops
Morocco: 1,700 troops
The Netherlands: 2 frigates, 1 supply ships
New Zealand: 3 C-130 Hercules transport planes, 1 medical team
Niger: 500 troops
Norway: 1 Coast Guard cutter, 1 transport ship
Oman: 25,500 troops, 63 airplanes, 4 Exocet-armed ships
Pakistan: 7,000 troops
The Philippines: medical personnel
Poland: 2 rescue ships
Portugal: 1 naval logistics ship
Qatar: 1 squadron of Mirage F-1E fighter planes
Romania: 360 medical personnel, 180 chemical warfare experts
Saudi Arabia: 118,000 troops, 550 tanks, 180 combat planes, 8 frigates
Senegal: 500 troops
Sierra Leone: 30 medical personnel
Singapore: 35-man medical personnel
South Korea: 5 C-130 Hercules transport planes, 150-man medical team
Spain: 1 frigate, 2 corvettes, 1 supply ship, 1 C-130 transport plane
Sweden: field hospital and medical personnel
Syria: 17,000 troops, 300 T-62 tanks
The United Arab Emirates: 40,000 troops, 80 combat planes, 15 ships, 200 tanks
The United Kingdom: 43,000 troops, 6 destroyers, 4 frigates, 3 minesweepers, 5 support ships, 168 tanks, 300 armored vehicles, 70 Tornado and Jaguar combat jets
The United States: 540,000 troops, 6 aircraft carriers, nuclear submarines, 2,000 tanks, 2,200 armored personal carries, 1,700 helicopters, 100 warships, 1,800 airplanes
Just trying to keep the facts straight on who and how many.