New Haven
My wife suffers from GERD (Gastro-Esophagus Reflux Disorder.) The Lansoprozole helps significantly is nutralizing the stomach acids that is eating away at her Esophagus.
The medicine, that was causing the most stomach distress, was the Fosomax for her Osteoperosis. She has been taken off of this drug, for awhile, but plans to go back on it, as soon as possible.
Mis-medicating ones self and the associated denial, along with the increasing dependence of others is an early stage in the process of growing old. We call it "Dignity over Despair."
First time I heard that term, "Dignity over Despare." I like it, now if I can only remember it!
LOL c.i.
margo, Hey, my wife and I went to the coffee shop, and I added a glazed donut to my menu. Same clothes? Now, you have "me" confused! LOL c.i.
I know your wife must feel blessed to have a caring man such as you for her husband.
Your story of "Dignity in Despair" is inspirational.
A glazed donut about two or three times a year is okay.
As a matter of fact, we have on of the very best donut shops here in Santa Clara called "Stans." If any of you ever get to this area, I'll be happy to take you there for coffee and donuts.